I'm to put a web page, using a DHTML behavior (.htc file), on an
Apache web server. For some reason it is not working.
When testing the page localy it works perfectly well.
Unless there is a something in httpd.conf specifically assigning a MIME type to a .htc file, or a similar entry in the "mime.types" file, your problem has nothing to do with Apache.
If there is a directive mapping .htc files to a specific MIME type, it should be set as type "text/plain", not as application/octet-stream, like a binary download.
Other than that, there are a couple other possibilities:
1. Apache is case-sensitive, while windows is not. If your HTML file which tries to load 'filename.htc' uses a slightly different case, such as 'filename.HTC' or vice-versa, this will not work with Apache (well, supposedly there IS a way to make Apache case-insensitive, but I can't remember it).
2. You are referring to the path in the wrong context. I know that often tools like Dreamweaver or FrontPage tend to put a "/" in front of a local hyperlink or script source, which works fine if you are working in the root of any defined web, but if you then FTP your site to "servername.com/~username/", your links will suddenly be broken. (need to remove the prepended slash for completely relative links).
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