Hi this is a bit difficult to put into words but hopefully I can make sense enough.
We have DHCP set up split between two 08 boxes 50/50. The last couple days I have noticed an IP handed out to a user that has no Name. I can see its MAC but without having any idea what type of device it is, I have no way of tracking it down. Ive done a ipconfig /all on all the servers and any PCs running Virtual software and cant find anything with that MAC or having requested that IP. When I add it to the Deny Filter and remove it from the DHCP list, no one comes running saying something cant access the network or wireless. Basically I would like to know what this device is if any way to do so or track it down if it is in the plant to ID it. We have iPhones and Droids in the building but they all come up as Bobs-iphone.domain.com so they are easy to ID. Ive went to every oddball PC we have in house and cant find it and our wifi is password protected with a very good password. The only laptop not in the domain on the network is mine.
Any ideas on how to track this down? I want to know if I need to blacklist this MAC if it is coming from the outside or if there is a way to figure out what device it is. Tried a nbtstat - a and nothing shows.
"You don't know what you got, till it's gone..
80's hair band Cinderella or ode to data backups???
We have DHCP set up split between two 08 boxes 50/50. The last couple days I have noticed an IP handed out to a user that has no Name. I can see its MAC but without having any idea what type of device it is, I have no way of tracking it down. Ive done a ipconfig /all on all the servers and any PCs running Virtual software and cant find anything with that MAC or having requested that IP. When I add it to the Deny Filter and remove it from the DHCP list, no one comes running saying something cant access the network or wireless. Basically I would like to know what this device is if any way to do so or track it down if it is in the plant to ID it. We have iPhones and Droids in the building but they all come up as Bobs-iphone.domain.com so they are easy to ID. Ive went to every oddball PC we have in house and cant find it and our wifi is password protected with a very good password. The only laptop not in the domain on the network is mine.
Any ideas on how to track this down? I want to know if I need to blacklist this MAC if it is coming from the outside or if there is a way to figure out what device it is. Tried a nbtstat - a and nothing shows.
"You don't know what you got, till it's gone..
80's hair band Cinderella or ode to data backups???