First let me say this looks to be a great site. I stumbled across it while searching for info on my current problem. I will probably spend most times just lurking/learning cause in all honesty you really don't want any advice from me! but i have learned alot just browsing today. So an advanced Thank you to all those in the know.
So I have a NT 4.0 with all updated service packs. System was just reloaded. I am using a SMC 1255TX NIC card.
Problem is that if a reboot is done the DHCP addr will not reset. IPCONFIG shows If I do a hard boot DHCP is fine. easy answer is to always do a hard boot but thats not so great the way these systems are used. So I need to find the fix for this. I know its not a restriction/problem with the network as i have multiple units without this problem.
error code 1003 DHCP failed to obtain a lease for the card with network address <12-digit hexadecimal media access control address of the local network adapter>. The following error occurred: The semaphore timeout period had expired. microsoft site only referenced XP with this error.
I did read another thread that suggested running a program that would repair the Winsok. I tried it even though the thread was for XP. i got the message that the program was not intended for this Softwware, so i stopped.
What I have done:
uninstalled and reinstalled the nic card
reinstalled the nic driver
removed and added TCP/IP protocol
Any ideas? All else fails i will reload the system again.
So I have a NT 4.0 with all updated service packs. System was just reloaded. I am using a SMC 1255TX NIC card.
Problem is that if a reboot is done the DHCP addr will not reset. IPCONFIG shows If I do a hard boot DHCP is fine. easy answer is to always do a hard boot but thats not so great the way these systems are used. So I need to find the fix for this. I know its not a restriction/problem with the network as i have multiple units without this problem.
error code 1003 DHCP failed to obtain a lease for the card with network address <12-digit hexadecimal media access control address of the local network adapter>. The following error occurred: The semaphore timeout period had expired. microsoft site only referenced XP with this error.
I did read another thread that suggested running a program that would repair the Winsok. I tried it even though the thread was for XP. i got the message that the program was not intended for this Softwware, so i stopped.
What I have done:
uninstalled and reinstalled the nic card
reinstalled the nic driver
removed and added TCP/IP protocol
Any ideas? All else fails i will reload the system again.