Hello, I'm using a quite old silicon graphics workstation (with irix) remotly from my suse linux box via rsh. I can log on the machine with no problem but I can't open any graphical application. For example "jot" (a graphical text editor):
dgl error (access): dgl server access denied - 192.xxx.xxx.xxx:0
dgl error (default init): default dglopen(192.xxx.xxx.xxx:x,x) returned -13
I read on the net this DGL is running only on irix...does anybody has info on that?
thank you
dgl error (access): dgl server access denied - 192.xxx.xxx.xxx:0
dgl error (default init): default dglopen(192.xxx.xxx.xxx:x,x) returned -13
I read on the net this DGL is running only on irix...does anybody has info on that?
thank you