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Technical User
Oct 21, 2000
I would be very grateful to anyone who could be bothered, if you could pay a visit to .

I need to run checks on the following and would be even more grateful if you could fill out the form with the following info:
>download time on your connection
>your connection speed
>any flaws noticed
>useability of the chat section (Old, if your interested in this one, your password is the first three letters of the group which hosts the Round Table in CAPS)
>your resolution and any problems associated with this
>if the animations are jerky, can you tell me what size processor you have (MHz)

Just don't remind me that the buttons labels are too faded, it will be sorted before launch.

Thanks to anyone who pays a visit and provides feedback.


ps: I'll be in there to chat for the next 30 mins, so I'll keep an eye out. dave@davdesign.co.uk

>just one I think you may already know or may not care. The send button is set so you have to have the mouse over the letter. No probs. just my mouse didn't like it for some reason??? It didn't want to stay on the letter???? I think it might just be me though.....
>Chat on my end was a little glitchy but still better then any thing I can do..
>1280x1024 No probs. just a little small... LOL
>No jerk (nothing personal LOL) I've a P III 900
>I'm there in the chat now. Geust 13
thanx loco,

>'too small'>>>tough, but thanx anyway LOL
>'in the chat'>>>think I've just fixed the refresh issue

dave dave@davdesign.co.uk

It does actually surprise me that you think it's a little small when you have 1280x1024 res. Are you using a 2-inch portable TV? ;-)

dave dave@davdesign.co.uk

>instant download
>no jerks noticed
>there is however the white background above and under the movie. but i'm sure you know that(don't know if that was intended)
>the only problem i had dave and i am not critizing by no means,is the faded text on the link buttons....kidding...
>PII 500 mhz
thanx virt

>>white>>intended at the minute...keeps it clean dave@davdesign.co.uk

White a minute...! LOL

B-) "Who's that guy with the shades... What's he trying to prove!”

you kill me, you really do!! lol dave@davdesign.co.uk

Looks good.

> Fast
> adsl

gallery could use some instructions for novice users.

What is the cube in the middle of the animation link ??

Chat is a bit jittery, but I like the facet that it runs the other way from other chat services that I have used.

Is there any mor functions in the chat ie diferent colours??

I realy like it Top Banana !!

I've broken it again !!

>>gallery>>>point noted, thanks

>>cube>>>a rogue blip, one of those things you know you need to remove but never get round to it, it's been there since day one!

>>chat jittery>>>Yeah I know, but at least I don't have to break the flow of the site and open an html page. Don't expect it to be too crammed anyway. You should have seen it last night when we were testing it at first (shocking).

>>chat colours etc>>>working on that, but ain't gonna spend too long thinking about it cos the chances of just bumping into someone in there at the minute are pretty slim. Maybe if it gets busier.

Thanks a lot for your time and input Manic.

dave dave@davdesign.co.uk

cheers Melocco, I think we tested it to the limit! ;-) dave@davdesign.co.uk

I finally got around to testing the design Dav....nice design, however, I am using Internet explorer 5 at work and you know the way IE5 darkens everything a bit...well...I can barely see the text flying toward you from the buttons.

I had my head right up at the monitor trying to see what they said...lol

Just thought you might need to know that.

I am on a network at work and not sure what that is...maybe T1?

anyway...I am running at 1024 x 768

everything is smooth...no jerkiness at all and took about 5 seconds to open completely.

Thanx for the feedback jeff, and I must add that everyones button gags are just the best LOL LOL LOL

cheers again mate! ;-) dave@davdesign.co.uk

Hey Dav.... I didn't say anything about the buttons. I just seen alittle movment and said they must be buttons. I think that it looks great. I loaded it at work with alittle of everything. 56k, 14.4k, and 36.6k, and on T1 and T3. They all load pretty quickly. The 14.4 loads the slowest though. It took about a minute for it to load. It was alittle faster after I left and came back. I geuss that was the cache though. Also I looked at everything with a 14" monitor at 640 x 480 and the words in the buttons you can see. Also I sent it to a few people and asked them to look at it. I'm waiting to see what they say and I'll let you know. The chat on the 14.4 was really slow. It took about a minute after I hit the button for the words to come up on the display. But other then that I don't think that any one should have any complaints.... Melocco.....

Surprises me what you say about the 14.4 . I'm no expert in modems, but I have a 56K modem but my telephone line only allows 0.5K/sec transfer (yes, all my posts in this forum take at least a minute to show for me). But the chat last nitgh was going relatively quickly all things considered.
Thanks for the feedback.

dave dave@davdesign.co.uk

Hey Dave! If your connection is so slow... How do you manage to keep answering these threads at the speed your doing it?

Oh! I get it! Two monitors... Two threads at the same time?

B-) "Who's that guy with the shades... What's he trying to prove!”

Over here in the states it's defferent. If you have a 56k and have a slow connection it just loses some of the info (or packets). Over seas it is slower but it doesn't have any packet loss. It might just be me though. It just seems slower... ?????? Besides I just thought it'd help you alittle if I tryed it on all the cpus that we had here at the shop... That way you could know from a slow connection and a fast connection and smaller cpus and less ram.

The smallest one couldn't even go to the site. It was a 4-86-66 and running windows 3.1 LOL But it's modem couldn't even log on to the internet....
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