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Determining list depth using difference lists.

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Jun 10, 2010
I'm trying to solve a problem using difference lists (which I don't really understand well and 2 weeks worth of reading on the net hasn't changed that). Basically I want to determine the depth of the elements in a list, ie, if I were to ask

depth([a,b,[c,[],[d,e]],f], L)

Prolog would answer
L = [0,0,[1,1,[2,2]],0]

I realize this is wrong but I really just have no idea what's going on. Any help would be great thanks.

depth(L1, L2) :- depth(L1, L2, 0).
depth([], L2, 0).
depth([H|T], L2, N) :- depth(T, [L2|N], N1), N is N1 + 1.
depth(L1, L2) :- depth(L1, L2, 0).

depth([], [N], N).
depth([H], [HD], N) :-
	H = [_ | _], !,
	N1 is N + 1,
	depth(H, HD, N1).
depth([_], [N], N) :- !.
depth([H | T], [HD | TD], N) :-
	H = [_ | _], !,
	N1 is N + 1,
	depth(H, HD, N1),
	depth(T, TD, N).
depth([_ | T], [N | TD], N) :-
	depth(T, TD, N).
Good code, but it uses open lists, not difference-lists.
Care to correct the code showing it with difference lists joel?
I hope the deadline is passed ...
depth(L1, L2) :- depth_dl(L1-[], 0, L2-[]).

depth_dl([]-[], _N, []-[]).

depth_dl([H|T1]-T2, N, [R|R1]-S) :-
	H \= [],
	N1 is N+1, depth_dl(H-[], N1, R-[]),
	depth_dl(T1-T2, N, R1-S).

depth_dl([_H|T1]-T2, N, [N|R]-S) :-
	depth_dl(T1-T2, N, R-S).

are T2 and S ever going to have other values than [] at any step of the recursivity? it seems each one of the lists after the "-" operator is [] at each step ... i think something different should be there ...
joel, I modified your code a bit:

depth_dl(X - X1, _, X - X1) :-
	unify_with_occurs_check(X, X1), !.
depth_dl([H | T1] - T2, N, [R | R1] - S) :-
	H = [_ | _], !,
	N1 is N + 1,
	depth_dl(H - [], N1, R - []),
	depth_dl(T1 - T2, N, R1 - S).

depth_dl([_H | T1] - T2, N, [N | R] - S) :-
	depth_dl(T1 - T2, N, R - S).

one can launch it like this:

?- depth_dl([a,b,[c,[],[d,e]],f | T] - T, 0, L).

L = [0, 0, [1, 1, [2, 2]], 0 | T] - T
I modified it too. As you pointed, the use of difference lists was quite artificial.

depth(L1, L2) :-
	depth_dl(L1, 0,L2-[]).

% special case for [] when it's not the end of the list
depth_dl([[]|T], N, [N|X]-Y) :-
	depth_dl(T, N, X-Y).

% general case
depth_dl([H|T], N, X-Y) :-
	(   is_list(H) ->
	    N1 is N+1, 	depth_dl(H, N1, R-[]), X = [R|X1]
	    depth_dl(H, N, X-X1)),
	depth_dl(T, N, X1-Y).

% we reach the end of the list
depth_dl([], _N, Z-Z) :- !.

% for every thing else
depth_dl(_H, N, [N|Y]-Y).
Un example is
?- depth_dl([a,[c,[1,2,[3,[4, []]],[d,e,[]]], 5],f] , 0, L-[]).
L = [0,[1,[2,2,[3,[4,4]],[3,3,3]],1],0].
?- depth([a,[c,[1,2,[3,[4, []]],[d,e,[]]], 5],f], L).
L = [0,[1,[2,2,[3,[4,4]],[3,3,3]],1],0].

P.S. kahleen you modify the initial list [a,b,[c,[],[d,e]],f | T] - T is not [a,b,[c,[],[d,e]],f]
I'm sorry, what you wrote is correct :
depth(L, L1) :-
  % with your code
  depth_dl(L-[], 0, L1-[]).
but then again, we come to the same problem of artificial difference lists, with the trailing -[] ...

i think your last code is better suited for solving the problem. my version would only work if one can build, for example, the list [a, b, c, d, e | T] from list [a, b, c, d, e], with T being any list ...

then, the call depth([a, b, c, d, e], ...) will call depth_dl([a, b, c, d, e | T] - T, ...)

i didn't manage to get it right so far, so i stopped trying :)
i finally got it right, i think:

difflistify(L, A, B) :-
	nonvar(L), !,
	expand_term(( o --> L ), E),
	E = (o(A, B) :- true).
difflistify([], A, B) :-
	unify_with_occurs_check(A, B), !.
difflistify([H|T], [H|A], B) :-
	difflistify(T, A, B).

depth(L1, L2) :-
	difflistify(L1, L1t, T1),
	depth_dl(L1t - T1, 0, L2t - T2),
	difflistify(L2, L2t, T2).

depth_dl(X - X1, _, X - X1) :-
	unify_with_occurs_check(X, X1), !.

depth_dl([H | T1] - T2, N, [R | R1] - S) :-
	H = [_ | _], !,
	N1 is N + 1,
	depth_dl(H - [], N1, R - []),
	depth_dl(T1 - T2, N, R1 - S).

depth_dl([_H | T1] - T2, N, [N | R] - S) :-
	depth_dl(T1 - T2, N, R - S).

difflistify is using DCGs to transform any list to a diff list, and vice-versa:

list -> diff list
?- difflistify([a, b, c], A, B).

A = [a, b, c | B]

diff list -> list
?- difflistify(L, [a, b, c | B], B).

L = [a, b, c]

once we have [a, b, c | B], we call:

?- depth_dl([a, b, c | B] - B, 0, L2t - T2).

B = T2
L2t = [0, 0, 0 | T2]

and we use difflistify to turn L2t - T2 back into an open list

i'm not sure how portable DCGs are, though
oops, my bad ... DCGs are not required at all ... they only solve half the problem (list -> diff list), but the other rules solve the whole problem all by themselves :) ... took me a while to figure out a complicated solution to a simple problem

final version of the code:
difflistify([], A, B) :-
	unify_with_occurs_check(A, B), !.
difflistify([H|T], [H|A], B) :-
	difflistify(T, A, B).

depth(L1, L2) :-
	depth(L1, 0, L2).

depth(L1, N, L2) :-
	difflistify(L1, L1t, T1),
	depth_dl(L1t - T1, N, L2t - T2),
	difflistify(L2, L2t, T2).

depth_dl(X - X1, _, X - X1) :-
	unify_with_occurs_check(X, X1), !.

depth_dl([H | T1] - T2, N, [R | T3] - T4) :-
	H = [_ | _], !,
	N1 is N + 1,
	depth(H, N1, R),
	depth_dl(T1 - T2, N, T3 - T4).

depth_dl([_ | T1] - T2, N, [N | T3] - T4) :-
	depth_dl(T1 - T2, N, T3 - T4).
but then again, we come to the same problem of artificial difference lists, with the trailing -[] ...
No, we must use [] to unify the trailing [...|X]-X and get a proper list as a result.
Yes but putting L - [] instead of just L doesn't make use of the full power of difference lists, as I understand them. The depth_dl code uses [...|X] - X, but if the code is launched with X being a ground term like [] then there is no conceptual difference between this and normal lists. One has to ensure that the code is called with X unbound, in my opinion.
You can try
depth(L1, L2) :-
    depth_dl(L1, 0,R),
    R = L2-[].
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