How can I automatically (!) deternine the numerical permission value of a file? With a single command (I dont know any, didnt find it anywhere) or with a small script.
command "file" -> output "755" or so....
you will have to define the term "small" in reference to a script. it should take at least ten lines but i have not thought much about the problem.
i suggest using several cut commands to put the various parts (rwx or what have you) into some variables then do a simple string check. if you want to get fancy you can use perl, but ksh works fine. either that or get used to interpreting them visually, i don't know of a prog that does this for you.
Yes certainly I started to do some perl ;-)..
but I was looking in parallel for one of those famous undocumented commands, you wont find in the manuals...
This one came out bigger then 10 lines ...:
#Usage : check <filename>
#Displays the numeric permission value for files and directories
set –A INC 4 2 1 4 2 1 4 2 1
integer I=0 #counter for the array
integer count=0 #counter for the owner/group/other position
integer sum=0 #sums the digit
for BYTE in 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ;do
if [[ `ls –ld $1|awk '{ print $1 }'|cut –c $BYTE` != "-" ]] ;then
if (( $count == 3 )) ;then
echo “$sum\c”
echo “”
Yes, thanks a lot! Meanwhile I wrote my Perl script and it works even with the t and s-bits, but I didnt know the stat or any octal commands so I build a rather lengthy workaround for it...The last idea by ogniemi is extremely nice, now I found the same idea in the Camel book of Perl.
Thx to you all!
(PS: our task was to rebuild all permissions in the /etc fs
and along all links in it on a 4.3.3 machine. User made a su - root, tried to make a "chmod -R 644 $path/etc/*" but his variable $path was empty! As /etc/ is linked to /usr/sbin nearly every system command wasnt executable anymore...)
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