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Detecting Windows Status Bar attributes 2

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Jul 25, 2001
I'd like to be able to determine if the Windows Status bar is on Auto-Hide, and if not what it's height is.

Any suggestions?

Andy Snyder
SnyAc Software Services
If you're talking about the task bar, then the height of the bar is constant regardless of whether it's on auto-hide or not. When it's on auto-hide, the top of bar is moved below the bottom of the screen when hidden.

The task bar is nothing more than a window, so get it's height, you need to first get its handle.

DECLARE Long FindWindow IN user32 AS API_FindWindow String@, String@

lLng_TaskHWnd = API_FindWindow("Shell_TrayWnd", 0)

Once you have the handle, then get the rectangle which describes the size and position of the window.

DECLARE Long GetWindowRect IN user32 As API_GetWindowRect Integer, String@

lStr_WindowRect = SPACE(16)
lLng_RetVal = API_GetWindowRect (lLng_TaskHWnd, @lStr_WindowRect)
lLng_TaskLeft = ConvertStringToInteger (lStr_WindowRect, 1)
lLng_TaskTop = ConvertStringToInteger (lStr_WindowRect, 5)
lLng_TaskRight = ConvertStringToInteger (lStr_WindowRect, 9)
lLng_TaskBottom = ConvertStringToInteger (lStr_WindowRect, 13)

I use my own ConvertStringToInteger function to exact the actual values from the 16-byte rectangle structure.

FUNCTION ConvertStringToInteger (vStr_FullString, vInt_Offset) As Integer

   LOCAL lInt_RetVal			As Integer

   lInt_RetVal = 0

   IF (vInt_Offset + 3 <= LEN(vStr_FullString))
      lInt_RetVal = ASC(SUBSTR(vStr_FullString, vInt_Offset + 3, 1)) * 16777216 + ;
                    ASC(SUBSTR(vStr_FullString, vInt_Offset + 2, 1)) *    65536 + ;
                    ASC(SUBSTR(vStr_FullString, vInt_Offset + 1, 1)) *      256 + ;
                    ASC(SUBSTR(vStr_FullString, vInt_Offset + 0, 1))

   IF (lInt_RetVal > 2147483648)
      lInt_RetVal = lInt_RetVal - 4294967295 - 1
   RETURN lInt_RetVal


Good Luck
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The way I do this is to get the physical height of the screen, and subtract the physical screen's "client area" (not sure if that's the correct term, but it relates to the screen minus the taskbar).

The physical screen is given by SYSMETRIC(2). That will return 768 if the resolution is set to 1024 x 768, for instance.

The client area is given by the SystemParametersInfo() API function:

* Returns the height of the physical screen, taking
* account of the taskbar, if visible.

LOCAL lcBuffer, lcDWord

lcBuffer = SPACE(16)
SystemParametersInfo(48, 0, @lcBuffer, 0)

lcDWord = SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 13, 4)
  && or take bytes 9-12 for the screen width

RETURN ASC(SUBSTR(lcDWord, 1,1)) + ;
  BITLSHIFT(ASC(SUBSTR(lcDWord, 2,1)),  8) +;
  BITLSHIFT(ASC(SUBSTR(lcDWord, 3,1)), 16) +;
  BITLSHIFT(ASC(SUBSTR(lcDWord, 4,1)), 24)

If the taskbar is hidden, the two functions should give the same result. If they don't, the difference is the height of the taskbar.

Keep in mind that the taskbar might be at the left or right edge of the screen, rather than the bottom (or top). To do it properly, you also need to use SYSMETRIC(1) to find the physical width, and the relevant bytes from the SystemParametersInfo() buffer, as indicated by the comment in the above code.

I hope this answers your question.


Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)

My Visual FoxPro site: www.ml-consult.co.uk
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