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Detecting an ORA-nnnn Event via SQL 1

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Technical User
Feb 18, 2007

I know an alert log is a physical text file. I was hoping, as in many things in 10g, there are SQL routes to get to the information.

Is is possible to use SQL (v$ or dba views etc.) to obtain the information in a alert log?

If not, is there a way I can use pure SQL to tell me if there has been an ORA-nnnn message in the last n hours or n days?


Hi, throught the medium of external tables you can access data in the alert text file as if it was a table. Do selects from it etc ...

I'm sure others (Santa?) can fill you in on the detailed implementation.
Taupirho articulates the correct strategy to achieve what you want, JT.

What you are asking for, JT, represents excellent utility for any DBA. Since I didn't have such a script in my toolbox already, I built one for you (and the rest of us) this evening.

Here are the prerequisites for this script to work properly:

1) User must have either DBA privileges or at least SELECT privileges on the V$INSTANCE, V$PARAMETER, and DBA_DIRECTORIES data dictionary objects.

2) Alert log resides in the standard "background_dump_dest" path, and has a standard name in the format "alert_<SID>.log".

Here is a listing of the script's features:

1) Prompts user for how many days prior to the present time to list errors. A value of "1" prints out all errors in the last 24 hours; a values of ".01" prints out all errors in the last 14 minutes 24 seconds.

2) If you have not yet created an Oracle DIRECTORY entry for the path to "background_dump_dest", then this script creates one for you.

3) If you have not yet created an external table named "ALERT_LOG_TABLE" that points to the flat file, "alert_<SID>.log" in "background_dump_dest", then this script creates it for you.

4) Displays to the screen the Date, Time, and Content of each alert-log line that contains the prefix, "ORA-" that is more recent than the time factor that you specify.

5) Spools the screen output to a file in the default client-side SQL*Plus path named, 'Alert_Log_Errors.txt'.

Known issue/problem:
The first time you run the following script, expect this error:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
ORA-06512: at line 65
Simply re-run the script, and this one-time error should disappear for good. (If you can isolate what causes this one-time error, please let me know. I haven't troubleshot the problem because it's approaching 2:00 a.m. local time, so my brain is mush.[banghead])

Following is the code content of that script, which I named, "ShowLogErrors.sql". (Since the script contains an "ACCEPT...PROMPT" SQL*Plus command, you must store the code to a script and run the script; you cannot just copy and paste the code to a SQL*Plus prompt.):
set serveroutput on
set feedback off
set echo off
    execute immediate 'create table alert_log_table (msg varchar2(10))';
    -- The above is a first-time, dummy table create to allow compile
    when others then null;
set verify off
accept days_ago prompt "Enter the number of days ago to begin error display ['.01' = '14.4 mins.'] (<Enter> for all): "
spool Alert_Log_Errors.txt
    log_dir                 varchar2(1000);
    read_dir                varchar2(30);
    rec_count               number;
    alert_log_file_name     varchar2(30);
    hold_instance_name      varchar2(30);
    stm                     varchar2(2000);
    current_date            date;
    current_date_str        varchar2(100);
    procedure prt (x varchar2) is
    procedure create_alert_log_table is
            select value into log_dir
              from v$parameter
             where name = 'background_dump_dest';
            select count(*) into rec_count
              from dba_directories
             where directory_path = log_dir;
            if rec_count = 0 then
                    stm := 'create directory bdump_dest as '''||log_dir||'''';
                    execute immediate stm;
                    when others then prt('Abend: '||sqlerrm);
                read_dir := 'bdump_dest';
                select min(directory_name) into read_dir
                  from dba_directories
                 where directory_path = log_dir;
            end if;
            select instance_name into hold_instance_name
              from v$instance;
            alert_log_file_name := 'alert_'||hold_instance_name||'.log';
            stm := 'drop table alert_log_table';
            execute immediate stm;
            stm :=      'create table alert_log_table';
            stm := stm||'	(msg varchar2(200))';
            stm := stm||'        organization external';
            stm := stm||'        (type oracle_loader';
            stm := stm||'         default directory '||read_dir;
            stm := stm||'         access parameters';
            stm := stm||'             (records delimited by newline';
            stm := stm||'              NOBADFILE NODISCARDFILE NOLOGFILE)';
            stm := stm||'             location ('''||alert_log_file_name||''')';
            stm := stm||'        )';
            stm := stm||'        reject limit unlimited';
            execute immediate stm;
    procedure Confirm_Alert_table_exists is
            select count(*) into rec_count
              from user_external_tables
             where table_name = 'ALERT_LOG_TABLE';
            if rec_count = 0 then
            end if;
    for x in (select * from alert_log_table) loop
        if substr(x.msg,1,4) in ('Mon ','Tue ','Wed ','Thu ','Fri ','Sat ','Sun ') then
            current_date     := to_date(x.msg,'Dy Mon dd hh24:mi:ss yyyy');
            current_date_str := x.msg;
        end if;
        if substr(x.msg,1,4) = 'ORA-' then
            if current_date > sysdate - nvl('&days_ago',9999) then
                prt(current_date_str||' -- '||x.msg);
            end if;
        end if;
    end loop;
    prt ('*** End of Alert-log Error listing ***');
spool off
prompt Wrote spool file, 'Alert_Log_Errors.txt'
Here is a sample invocation of "ShowLogErrors.sql" and its output for the previous hour on my Oracle instance:
Enter the number of days ago to begin error display ['.01' = '14.4 mins.'] (<Enter> for all): .04

Sat Jun 09 01:41:10 2007 -- ORA-28546: connection initialization failed
Sat Jun 09 01:41:10 2007 -- ORA-02068: following severe error from RIV
Sat Jun 09 01:41:10 2007 -- ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
*** End of Alert-log Error listing ***

Wrote spool file, 'Alert_Log_Errors.txt'
If you have any questions about the purpose/behaviour of any of the above code, please post a follow-up question.

Let us know if this is useful.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
SantaMufasa, Taupirho,

Thanks very much. That is perfect.

JT, quite a lot of work from Santa there for you, I think it more than deserves a star, don't you?
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