my current way of detecting whuch button on a form has been pressed using asp is setting the value of the button like e.g.:<br><br>------------------------------------<br><INPUT name="Customers" TYPE="submit" VALUE="Backed Up" onclick="javascript:gotonectpage(this);"><br>------------------------------------<br><br>Then is ASP I detect<br>the button pressed by e.g.:<br><br>------------------------------------<br>strAlt = Request.Form("Customers"<br><br>Select Case strAlt<br><br> Case "Backed Up"<br> ......<br> End select<br>------------------------------------<br><br>I was wondering is there a better way to detect which button has been pressed in ASP. This is because I have to give my buttons names I don't want on screen like "Back Up" instead it would be better if I could have two buttons with the same name onscreen that do to different things.<br><br>grateful for any help given, thankz.<br>