can you have more than one details section?
i have a report that needs to show all the equipment details AND all the staff details for each booking
is this possible?
[bookingID] [date] [time]
22 10/03/01 1200
EquipmentDetails table
[bookingID] [equipID]
22 56
22 78
22 99
22 145
StaffDetails table
[bookingID] [StaffID]
22 11
22 9
22 4
22 7
report somthing like
Booking 22 is on 10/03/01 at 1200
equipment needed
56 Barcode
78 Barcode
99 Barcode
145 Barcode
Staff needed
11 Name
9 Name
4 Name
7 Name
i have a report that needs to show all the equipment details AND all the staff details for each booking
is this possible?
[bookingID] [date] [time]
22 10/03/01 1200
EquipmentDetails table
[bookingID] [equipID]
22 56
22 78
22 99
22 145
StaffDetails table
[bookingID] [StaffID]
22 11
22 9
22 4
22 7
report somthing like
Booking 22 is on 10/03/01 at 1200
equipment needed
56 Barcode
78 Barcode
99 Barcode
145 Barcode
Staff needed
11 Name
9 Name
4 Name
7 Name