Can i programatically remove the detail section of a report?
I have a report showing the offers and the details of the offers.I want to combine in one report
these 2 possibilities.Is it possible ?
For example, if i want the full details of a report, i must have 2 sections.
In the section called OfferIDHeader i have the following fields:
OfferID, offer date, clientname, city
In the section called Detail section i have the details of the offer, including different products and their
Productid, size,pack,unitprice
Can i programatically remove the detail section, and see only the offer number , the offer date and the
client name?
I want to do it through a button on a form.
i will be very grateful for any advice
I have a report showing the offers and the details of the offers.I want to combine in one report
these 2 possibilities.Is it possible ?
For example, if i want the full details of a report, i must have 2 sections.
In the section called OfferIDHeader i have the following fields:
OfferID, offer date, clientname, city
In the section called Detail section i have the details of the offer, including different products and their
Productid, size,pack,unitprice
Can i programatically remove the detail section, and see only the offer number , the offer date and the
client name?
I want to do it through a button on a form.
i will be very grateful for any advice