Thanx for ansering me. I've already developed a code, but it does not work properly with exceptions. Can you put your code in front, so that I can use it?
sPathToSave = "Destination Path"
Dim View As Object 'New Domino.NotesView
Dim nDoc As Object 'Domino.NotesDocument
Const RICHTEXT = 1
Set s = CreateObject("Notes.Notessession" 'create notes session
Set db = s.GETDATABASE("", "" 'set db to database not yet named
Call db.openmail
Set View = db.GetView("($Inbox)"
Set nDoc = View.GetFirstDocument
Dim itm As Variant
While Not (nDoc Is Nothing)
If nDoc.HasEmbedded Then
Set itm = nDoc.GetFirstItem("Body"
If itm.Type = RICHTEXT Then
Dim attch As Variant
For Each attch In itm.EmbeddedObjects
If (attch.Type = EMBED_ATTACHMENT) Then
attch.ExtractFile sPathToSave & attch.Name
End If
End If
' Following code commented is used to delete mails after
' attachments were saved to disk.
'Set nDoc2Remove = nDoc
End If
Set nDoc = View.GetNextDocument(nDoc)
' Following code commented is used to delete mails after
' attachments were saved to disk
'If Not (nDoc2Remove Is Nothing) Then
' nDoc2Remove.Remove (True)
' Set nDoc2Remove = Nothing
'End If
End Sub
This sets it look in a sub folder:
Set View = db.GETVIEW("Sub Folder"'replace the getview in the code
Moves to another folder, (actually moves a shortcut, remains in original folder):
ndoc.PutInFolder( "New Folder" )
And to remove from existing:
ndoc.RemovefromFolder( "Old Folder" )
Specify a specific db within notes:
Set db = s.GETDATABASE("server", "full address of mail box as in propetys"
so mine looks like
Set db = s.GETDATABASE("Orwell", "Mail\CS\Repoteam.nsf"
I've got a help file for Notes Sessions from VBA which should answer any questions. If you want it, mail a request to and I'll send it out to you
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