Hello all! I have developed several databases but really seem to be drawing a blank here. My brain has frozen. I am trying to normalize a database i took over...
Ok...after reading everything here and trying to apply it appropraitely, i have come up with the tables i show in the attachment, but for ease of "database at a glance", here's what i have....
LineID (PK Auto Number)
Line (text stating name of process line)
BaseID (PK Auto Number)
baLineID (FK to Tbl_Line)
baRunDate (date indicating date of work)
baKey (field indicating key (aka workorder) number, which is not always available)
baProduct (Field indicating product, again, not always available..it's usually either key or product available, but they must be separate fields)
baShift (Indicates shift that did work)
baSide (indicates side of wood, not always available)
ProdID (PK auto number)
prdBaseID (FK to Tbl_Base)
prdType (FK to tbl_PRDType)
prdAMT (indicate amt. produced)
***Note: There may be several types of production for one key or product
prdTYPEID (PK Auto Number)
prdTYPE (type of production...indicates grading of wood product)
DwnflID (PD Auto Number)
dfBaseID (PK to Tbl_Base)
dfTYPE (Foreign key to Tbl_Dwnfl_Type)
dfAMT (Amount of downfall)
dfCAT (Foreign Key to Tbl_Cat)
***Note there may be several types of production for one key or product
DwnflTypeID (PK Auto Number)
dftType (Type of downfall)
CatID (PK Auto Number)
dcType (Downfall Categories)
ok...so my first question is, how is this? Ok? Then i will actually have a follow up question about transferring data in....LOL But first i'll check if this seems ok to you guys. I want to make sure that when i run queries on the data, i am not going to get duplicate data on the production amounts....although, i don't think i would, but as I state this, i have to wonder if production should be a part of the downfall table...like instead of downfall types i have listed, i call it something else and add production to the list...let me know.
Ok..my last question...i have to upload data into these tables, but because it is set up so differently, i'm not sure how i would do that. If you think you can help me, please let me know & I will send you my new & Old databases so you can view & help, if that is possible. If you simply know of a way to do it overall, let me know!
Ok...after reading everything here and trying to apply it appropraitely, i have come up with the tables i show in the attachment, but for ease of "database at a glance", here's what i have....
LineID (PK Auto Number)
Line (text stating name of process line)
BaseID (PK Auto Number)
baLineID (FK to Tbl_Line)
baRunDate (date indicating date of work)
baKey (field indicating key (aka workorder) number, which is not always available)
baProduct (Field indicating product, again, not always available..it's usually either key or product available, but they must be separate fields)
baShift (Indicates shift that did work)
baSide (indicates side of wood, not always available)
ProdID (PK auto number)
prdBaseID (FK to Tbl_Base)
prdType (FK to tbl_PRDType)
prdAMT (indicate amt. produced)
***Note: There may be several types of production for one key or product
prdTYPEID (PK Auto Number)
prdTYPE (type of production...indicates grading of wood product)
DwnflID (PD Auto Number)
dfBaseID (PK to Tbl_Base)
dfTYPE (Foreign key to Tbl_Dwnfl_Type)
dfAMT (Amount of downfall)
dfCAT (Foreign Key to Tbl_Cat)
***Note there may be several types of production for one key or product
DwnflTypeID (PK Auto Number)
dftType (Type of downfall)
CatID (PK Auto Number)
dcType (Downfall Categories)
ok...so my first question is, how is this? Ok? Then i will actually have a follow up question about transferring data in....LOL But first i'll check if this seems ok to you guys. I want to make sure that when i run queries on the data, i am not going to get duplicate data on the production amounts....although, i don't think i would, but as I state this, i have to wonder if production should be a part of the downfall table...like instead of downfall types i have listed, i call it something else and add production to the list...let me know.
Ok..my last question...i have to upload data into these tables, but because it is set up so differently, i'm not sure how i would do that. If you think you can help me, please let me know & I will send you my new & Old databases so you can view & help, if that is possible. If you simply know of a way to do it overall, let me know!