Technical User
Hi, just to give you a little information. This is my first Aloha system i have had to work on, but i know my way around computers and networking, but Aloha is throwing me for a loop and i cant find any tech support without paying 100's of dollars. I have checked through the forums and tried many solutions and i have gotten far from where i was but i am still having a few issues. If anyone is in the Louisville, Ky area or can help over the phone or video chat or anything. I'm at a loss and been working on this system for 2 days.
Currently i can get Term1 up and reading from Alohaboh but the term1 printer prints the kitchen tickets at term 1 instead of sending them to the kitchen... and it says Term1 is Master (98nt)
then Term2(98nt) just says "Determining File Server" .... and in the network it sees Term1 but not Alohaboh
Also i have had them in redundancy for 2 days now and everything works perfectly fine. so i don't know if there is something messed up with the Alohaboh (server)(windows xp)computer, network issues, or something to do with Term2.
Also if anyone knows is there a way to get the database for all the items you have added to aloha, because i would like to reformat the main ALOHABOH (server) computer and start them fresh, and a fresh aloha install. So they can then use the Alohaboh computer just for the server and i have a second computer they will now use for everything that isn't Aloha. And i want to do this because i was originally called in to clean up the server computer because it moves so slow they thought it had a virus. So i think a fresh xp install and aloha install can fix this, but how hard is it to sync the server back up with the 2 terminals also if i do this.
Lastly the owner i'm doing this for just took over this business like 1 month ago and a few the employees told me this system has crashed several times. They had 4 user accounts for some reason also, is this needed? if so why? (this is on a xp machine)(the server)....And partly to what i asked if i reformat and install, can i do that while the terms are still in redundancy and the terms continue working?
Currently i can get Term1 up and reading from Alohaboh but the term1 printer prints the kitchen tickets at term 1 instead of sending them to the kitchen... and it says Term1 is Master (98nt)
then Term2(98nt) just says "Determining File Server" .... and in the network it sees Term1 but not Alohaboh
Also i have had them in redundancy for 2 days now and everything works perfectly fine. so i don't know if there is something messed up with the Alohaboh (server)(windows xp)computer, network issues, or something to do with Term2.
Also if anyone knows is there a way to get the database for all the items you have added to aloha, because i would like to reformat the main ALOHABOH (server) computer and start them fresh, and a fresh aloha install. So they can then use the Alohaboh computer just for the server and i have a second computer they will now use for everything that isn't Aloha. And i want to do this because i was originally called in to clean up the server computer because it moves so slow they thought it had a virus. So i think a fresh xp install and aloha install can fix this, but how hard is it to sync the server back up with the 2 terminals also if i do this.
Lastly the owner i'm doing this for just took over this business like 1 month ago and a few the employees told me this system has crashed several times. They had 4 user accounts for some reason also, is this needed? if so why? (this is on a xp machine)(the server)....And partly to what i asked if i reformat and install, can i do that while the terms are still in redundancy and the terms continue working?