Technical User
Hello all I know how to create a deskto shortcut icon however in the target path I am trying to pass a switch.
Ideally I would like the target path to be this:
"C:\Program Files\Citrix\ICA Client\pn.exe" /APP "Remote Access"
but I am having trouble incorporating /APP "Remote Access"
and escaping the /APP
Any clue? thanks in advance.
Ideally I would like the target path to be this:
"C:\Program Files\Citrix\ICA Client\pn.exe" /APP "Remote Access"
but I am having trouble incorporating /APP "Remote Access"
and escaping the /APP
Any clue? thanks in advance.
strProgFl = colProcEnvVars("ProgramFiles")
strdesktop = ObjShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop")
strshortcut1 = strdesktop & "\Remote Access.lnk"
If Not fso.FileExists(strshortcut1) Then
SET myshortcut = ObjShell.CreateShortcut(strshortcut1)
myshortcut.TargetPath = strProgFl & "\Citrix\ICA Client\pn.exe"
myshortcut.WorkingDirectory = strProgFl & "\Citrix\ICA Client"
myshortcut.IconLocation = strProgFl & ("\Citrix\ICA Client\pn.exe,0")
End If