We have a new(ish) BMC50. From what I understand, the Desktop Messaging allows us the ability to get voice mails in our Outlook, and therefore on the mobile devices that also have our email.
We have been told this only works when Desktop Messaging is installed on our PC's and we are logged into the network. This is less than helpful as the object is to get voicemails when you aren't in the building. Also at least 2 of our users that we would like to have this ability work exclusively off the Term Server and we've been told it won't work on the Term Server.
2 Questions -
1 - Are the above statements true?
2 - How can we get users to get voice mails on their mobile phones, even if they work from the Term Server.
We have been told this only works when Desktop Messaging is installed on our PC's and we are logged into the network. This is less than helpful as the object is to get voicemails when you aren't in the building. Also at least 2 of our users that we would like to have this ability work exclusively off the Term Server and we've been told it won't work on the Term Server.
2 Questions -
1 - Are the above statements true?
2 - How can we get users to get voice mails on their mobile phones, even if they work from the Term Server.