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Design that works for Internet Explorer but not for Firefox 1

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Oct 20, 2006
Hello everyone! I'm coding a database display in which hyperlinked items will be displayed on my page, when you click any of them it will take you to another page. On Internet explorer, the database items are displayed neatly one of top of the other with a space in between, but in firefox everything is mashed up without any spaces or non-breaking spaces whatsoever, I'm pasting the code to see if I can get any insight from you guys. Thanks

<!-- #include virtual="connection.asp"-->
<!--#include virtual="top.asp"-->
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
#headPhoto { background: url(/wrfc07/i/schedule/schedule-head.jpg); }
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<h1>Select below to view abstracts</h1></br>
set Abstracts = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Abstracts.open MM_connection_string

set List = Abstracts.execute("SELECT * FROM table where Title <> 'DISCUSSION' and Title <> 'OPEN' and Title <> 'RESERVED'")

Do While Not List.EOF
Response.Write "<a href=""abstracts_details.asp?id="&List("ID")&"""></br>"&List("ID")&" " &List("Title")&"</br></a>"
<!--#include virtual="footer.asp"-->
<!--#include virtual="analytics.asp"-->
Hi Dan, the client-side code it's quite lengthy, but here it goes, I've tried the validator but no matter if I use </br> or </br > I get the same errors and display.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "<html xmlns="<head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="Description" content="" />
<meta name="Keywords" content="" />
<title>5th WRFC - World Recreational Fishing Conference - Dania Beach, Florida</title>
<link href="/wrfc07/c/wrfc.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<style type="text/css" media="screen">
#headPhoto { background: url(/wrfc07/i/schedule/schedule-head.jpg); }
</head >
<body class="oneCol">
<div id="container">

<div id="header">

<p id="date">November 10-13, 2008, Dania Beach, Florida</p>
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<li><a href="/wrfc07/accommodations">Accommodations</a></li>
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<li><a href="/wrfc07/papers">Papers</a></li>

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<h1>Select below to view abstracts</h1></br>
<a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=1"></br>1 Towards A Marketing Approach to Recreational Fisheries in British Columbia</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=2"></br>2 Billfish Moratorium - Kingdom of Tonga</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=3"></br>3 Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) is threatening fish populations and sustainable fishing in Europe</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=4"></br>4 Sport Fishing in Brazil: Much to Learn and Much to Do</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=5"></br>5 The Power of Responsible Recreational Fishing Activism and Representation to Achieve Sustainable Fisheries Management at National Government Level - an Australian Example</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=6"></br>6 Community Based Conservation in Baja California Sur (BCS), Mexico</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=7"></br>7 Results of the 2005 Survey of Recreational Fishing in Canada</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=8"></br>8 Enhancing National Economies Through Sportfishing</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=9"></br>9 Success in Boosting Marine Conservation in Baja California Sur, Mexico through the Application of Recreational Fishing Economic Information</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=10"></br>10 Reducing Release Mortality through Educational Programs in Florida</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=11"></br>11 The effect of shoreline angling on aquatic and riparian ecosystems within an urbanized region </br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=12"></br>12 Is Recreational Fishing a Threat to Global Fish Conservation?</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=13"></br>13 Biological consequences of selection for angling vulnerability in a recreational sportfish</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=14"></br>14 Sportfishing Participation: Keep Them Coming!</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=15"></br>15 Spatial Implications of the Rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef (Northern Australia) on Recreation Fishers</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=16"></br>16 Recreational Fishers' Perceptions of the Costs and Benefits of the 2004 Rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=17"></br>17 Is Catch-and-Release angling compatible with sustainable development of recreational fisheries in the western Mediterranean? The case of sport tournaments in the Balearic Islands</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=18"></br>18 Circle hooks, size hook, barbless hooks and conventional "J" hooks: a comparison of different gears performance in order to sustainable development of recreational fisheries in the western Mediterrane</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=19"></br>19 Analysis of recreational fisheries of sea bass in France</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=20"></br>20 "Gently Does It" campaign succeeds in improving fishing practices</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=21"></br>21 Improving amateur catch information in New Zealand: Implementing a reporting regime for the marine recreational charter vessel fleet</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=22"></br>22 Challenges and Contentions in Marine Park Planning - A participatory fishing stakeholder solution?</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=23"></br>23 Lessons available from anglers' records: Case study of the Brno reservoir (Czech Republic)</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=24"></br>24 New on-line services from FishBase for angler communities with special focus on mobile devices applications</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=25"></br>25 Integrating angler behavior and fish population dynamics: Implications for recreational fisheries management</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=26"></br>26 Habitat, Processes, and Scales: Linking environmental observations and recreational king mackerel catch statistics off west-central Florida</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=27"></br>27 Primary Study Aggregation Effects: Meta-Analysis of Recreational Fishing Studies</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=30"></br>30 Monitoring fish stocks with rods as a tool for promoting fisheries</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=31"></br>31 Stocking up German recreational fisheries: the influence of communicative linkage and level of management responsibility on sustainable management</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=32"></br>32 Recreational Fishing as a "Self-subsidising" Activity: Implications for Sustainability of Targeted Fish Stocks</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=33"></br>33 Why I don't fish anymore: declining participation trends in recreational fishing in Queensland, Australia</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=34"></br>34 Recreational only fishing areas in Marine Parks: Are they effective?</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=35"></br>35 Releasing gravid female rockfish. Is it an effective management tool? Developing a collaborative barotrauma research project with fishermen</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=37"></br>37 An analysis of individual transferable quotas for both the commercial and recreational fishing sector</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=38"></br>38 Understanding fish-angler-interactions at a landscape level to improve fisheries management</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=39"></br>39 Nothing to hide - The position of angling in an urbanised society</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=40"></br>40 Impacts and conflicts of recreational fishing on the Western Mediterranean: the case of the Balearic Islands</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=41"></br>41 A model for a proactive non-profit organization: research-based conservation and education</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=42"></br>42 Meteorological and fishing-related determinants of angling success in pike (Esox lucius) </br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=43"></br>43 Applying biotelemetry to catch and release angling research: Opportunities to inform fisheries management and policy</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=44"></br>44 Predicting Recreational Fishing Participation on A Global Scale</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=45"></br>45 The current debate on fish welfare constitutes a latent issue of global relevance for the future of recreational fisheries</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=46"></br>46 A Global Code of Practice of Recreational Fisheries</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=47"></br>47 The Use of Satellite Remote Sensing in Ecosystem Based Recreational Fisheries Management</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=49"></br>49 Transforming a Cultural Treasure into a Sustainable Recreational Fishery</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=50"></br>50 Scientists and Recreational Fishers: Communication manners and its efficiency</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=51"></br>51 Generating biological, sociological and economic insights into angler populations with a large-scale survey - A telephone-diary-mail approach</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=52"></br>52 Predicting eel (Anguilla anguilla) anglers' behavioural responses to new fishing regulations: a choice modelling approach</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=53"></br>53 Community Based Management of Recreational Fisheries in the Maritime Provinces of Canada</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=54"></br>54 Effects of Climate Change on Fisheries in Central Queensland Auatralia</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=55"></br>55 Project FishSmart: Harnessing the Knowledge and Insights of Fishery Stakeholders</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=56"></br>56 Development and promotion of the release weight in Western Australia to reduce the impact of barotrauma</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=57"></br>57 The benefit of strategic alliances for recreational fishing</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=58"></br>58 Managing for sustainability in a recreational scallop fishery</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=59"></br>59 Inland & Marine Protected Areas - Eastern & Northern Australia </br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=60"></br>60 Great Australian Shark Count</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=61"></br>61 Assessing recreational catch and effort in a highly specialised land-based pelagic Gamefish fishery in south-eastern Australia using electronic diaries and on-site surveys</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=62"></br>62 Introduction of non-native fish in Norway: a serious threat to the biological diversity and the opportunity for recreational fishing</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=63"></br>63 Adaptive management of stream fisheries in Sweden - effects of harvest regulations and angler attitudes</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=64"></br>64 How much cod is removed from the Western Baltic Sea by recreational fishers?</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=65"></br>65 Migration patterns of pike perch in the Dutch river systems</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=66"></br>66 Influence of Florida coastal no-take marine protected areas on International Gamefish Association (IGFA) world records for black drum, red drum, spotted seatrout, and common snook </br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=67"></br>67 Global perspectives on the future of recreational fishing: opinions from researchers, managers, and anglers</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=68"></br>68 Injury Frequency for Discarded Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) in the Recreational Fishery of the Mid-Atlantic Bight: Influence of Landing Size Regulations</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=69"></br>69 Evaluating Catch, Effort, and Bag Limits on Summer Flounder Directed Trips in the Recreational Summer Flounder Party Boat Fishery</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=70"></br>70 Status of Recreational Saltwater Fishing in Florida: Characterization of License Sales, Participation, and Fishing Effort</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=71"></br>71 Steps Forward: Outline of the Development Strategy of Recreational Fisheries in Lithuania</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=72"></br>72 Fishing for today and tomorrow: Recreational fisheries monitoring in Queensland, Australia</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=73"></br>73 Recreational Fishing Governance: A New Model for Property Rights and Resource Ownership</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=74"></br>74 The "Research Angler" Program: involving recreational anglers in developing best handling practices for a catch-and-release fishery</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=75"></br>75 Can a sustainable management framework for a vulnerable recreational fishery still provide for a quality recreational fishing experience - a case study of an overfished demersal scalefish fishery</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=76"></br>76 Resource Sharing - The Key To Sustainable Recreational Fisheries </br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=77"></br>77 Understanding catch and release behaviour in a multi-sector recreational gamefishery</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=78"></br>78 Recreational Fishing: Crowding versus Sociability</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=80"></br>80 Factors driving recreational fishing licence sales and implications for management in New South Wales, Australia</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=81"></br>81 Changing fishing culture and governance: values and interests in Finnish recreational fishing</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=82"></br>82 Conditions of Estuarine Recreational Fisheries: A case study of the Ebro River delta</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=83"></br>83 Can self-imposed regulations be used to benefit recreational sea angling for European sea bass in Norway in the absence of centralized, governmental management?</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=84"></br>84 Catching recreational fisheries</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=85"></br>85 Climate change brings new species to Norwegian coastal waters: social and ecological opportunities and challenges with European sea bass</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=86"></br>86 Movement patterns and behaviour for three important sport fish using acoustic transmitters in the inner Oslo Fjord, Norway</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=87"></br>87 Seasonal differences in the consequences of sub-lethal stressors: Understanding potential population-level consequences of catch-and-release angling</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=88"></br>88 Temporal Trends in Largemouth Bass Mortality with Fishery Implications</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=89"></br>89 Angling Fact Versus Angler Fiction - Has the Quality of Irish Coarse Angling Declined? A case study</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=91"></br>91 Towards a typology of French recreational fishers</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=92"></br>92 Size-limits, harvest-limits, and release mortality: Counterintuitive population effects due to interactions among common fisheries management strategies</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=93"></br>93 Recreational rod and reel fishing from the shore in the south of Portugal: a preliminary socio-economic approach</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=94"></br>94 Exploitative competition between angler groups impacts catch rates</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=95"></br>95 Making Sense of MPAs: Toward a Comprehensive and Effective National System in the U.S.</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=96"></br>96 Net Economic Values for Wildlife-Related Recreation in 2006</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=97"></br>97 Building legitimacy of the recreational fishing sector in mixed commercial-recreational fisheries</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=98"></br>98 Recovery profile and magnitude of physiological disturbance in two size classes of exercised largemouth bass</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=99"></br>99 Strengthening the Future of Florida's Fisheries: Stakeholder Involvement in the Management Process</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=100"></br>100 Strategic Review of Revenue Raising Instruments for Recreational Fisheries in Australia</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=101"></br>101 Do MPAs Always Have To Be "No Take" To Be Effective? A Science-Based Look At A Complex Question</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=102"></br>102 Brazilian Coastal and Estuarine Marine Recreational Fisheries</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=103"></br>103 Bioeconomic Equilibrium in Recreational Fisheries</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=104"></br>104 Establishing a Consistent Approach for Obtaining Reliable Economic Impact Estimates for Sport Fishing: an Alaska Example</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=105"></br>105 The Socio-economic Impacts of Recreational Fishing by Target Species in St. Helens, Tasmania, Australia</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=106"></br>106 The impact of weather on weekly sales of rod licences in England & Wales</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=107"></br>107 The economic impact of freshwater angling in England and Wales</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=108"></br>108 Exploring Survey Methodologies for Collecting Recreational Angler Expenditure Data</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=109"></br>109 Sustainable Development in Oceania: Comparing the Economics of Industries that Utilize Fishery Resources</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=110"></br>110 Measuring Atlantic Tarpon Catch-and-Release Mortality Rates from Florida's Gulf Coast Recreational Fishery, USA</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=111"></br>111 Mapping Movements and Migrations of Dolphinfish Found off the United States East Coast Utilizing Recreational Fishermen </br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=112"></br>112 Development of an Environmental Standard for Recreational Fishing Tournaments</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=113"></br>113 The need of an integrated regional policy framework for ecosystem-wide billfish conservation and management in the Eastern Pacific</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=114"></br>114 Anglers As Scientists - Georgia's Marine Sportfish Carcass Recovery Project</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=115"></br>115 Surveying the For-Hire Sector: Economic Heterogeneity in the Southeastern U.S. Charter Boat Industry</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=116"></br>116 Improving Marine Recreational Fishing Information in the U.S</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=118"></br>118 The potential of recreational fishermen as a source of local ecological knowledge (LEK) to characterize fisheries and study fish behaviors</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=119"></br>119 Marine Recreational Fishermen and Oceans Governance</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=146"></br>146 The Challenges of Maintaining a large wild brown trout lake fishery</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=147"></br>147 The development of the striped marlin fishery and management framework in New Zealand</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=148"></br>148 How a Vision for the future of the recreational fishery in B.C. was created between the Angler, the Federal Government and the Provincial Government</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=149"></br>149 Fishing in the City: A Case Study of the Urban Fishing Pilot Program in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=150"></br>150 Management Measures and the Recreational Fishery in British Columbia</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=151"></br>151 From commercial fishing to fishing tourism: Tourism entrepreneurship in transitional maritime communities in New Zealand</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=153"></br>153 A study on the management planning of angling at fishing harbors</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=155"></br>155 The physiological response of the tigerfish, Hydrocynus vittatus, to angling in the Okavango Delta, Botswana</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=156"></br>156 Acute toxicity of preservative chemicals in organic baits used in carp, Cyprinus carpio, recreational fishing</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=157"></br>157 Effects of air exposure and live retention on physiology and behaviour of carp</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=164"></br>164 Climate Change in Fisheries Management: What Do We Know?</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=179"></br>179 How RBFF Increases Participation in Boating & Fishing</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=180"></br>180 Using email surveys to evaluate the recreational spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) fishery in Florida for fisheries management</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=181"></br>181 Comparison of Self-Reported and Observed Recreational Catches from the For-Hire Headboat Fishery in Florida</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=182"></br>182 The Western Native Trout Initiative - A New Approach to Fisheries Management</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=183"></br>183 An Atlantic Canadian First Nation Recreational Fishery - A Case Study in Developing Opportunities</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=189"></br>189 Sport Fish Restoration - An Essential Partnership for Managing Florida's Fisheries</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=190"></br>190 Latitudinal variation in maximum weight of angler-caught Fishes</br></a><a href="abstracts_details.asp?id=191"></br>191 Freshwater recreational fisheries in tropical Australia: Emerging sustainability issues</br></a>

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Response.Write "<a href=""abstracts_details.asp?id="&List("ID")&"""></br>"&List("ID")&" " &List("Title")&"</br></a>"

I think it is in the double quotes/escaping.


Response.Write "<a href=abstracts_details.asp?id=" & List("ID") & "></br>" & List("ID") & " " & List("Title") & "</br></a>"
Response.Write "<a href=\"abstracts_details.asp?id=" & List("ID") & "\"></br>" & List("ID") & " " & List("Title") & "</br></a>"
Thank you BigRed1212 but none of the options worked.
The first one gave me exactly the same results and the second one gave me an error and wouldn't even display the page
Thanks for trying though!
I didn't read your last message Red...really big DUH on my behalf...<br /> did it along with the substition of the double quotes.

Thank you so much!!
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