I have to design a report using Crystal 10
For Every quarter I print data for the quarter, Total for Quarter, YTD totals. This will be for 2 years and with % difference.
For e.g.
Supplier Jan204 Jan05 %diff Feb04 Feb05 %diff Mar04 Mar05 %diff, Qtr104, Qtr 05 %diff, YTD04 YTD05 %diff
If it better to do the calculations in a stored procedure and use the table generated as an input or use formulas within the report. I once tried using a stored procedure directly within the report and faced performance issues.
For Every quarter I print data for the quarter, Total for Quarter, YTD totals. This will be for 2 years and with % difference.
For e.g.
Supplier Jan204 Jan05 %diff Feb04 Feb05 %diff Mar04 Mar05 %diff, Qtr104, Qtr 05 %diff, YTD04 YTD05 %diff
If it better to do the calculations in a stored procedure and use the table generated as an input or use formulas within the report. I once tried using a stored procedure directly within the report and faced performance issues.