I'm using Crystal 8.5
I have data element "procedure.start" and "procedure.end", both expressed in military time. I wish to report on total time of the procedure.
For example, 14:22 (procedure start) to 15:27 (procedure end) I wish to report as "65" (minutes). Procedure.end minus Procedure.Start/60 does not seem to do it. It seems that I must do something first to the procedure start and end times to enable derivation of total procedure time - but I'm stuck. Any suggestions?
I have data element "procedure.start" and "procedure.end", both expressed in military time. I wish to report on total time of the procedure.
For example, 14:22 (procedure start) to 15:27 (procedure end) I wish to report as "65" (minutes). Procedure.end minus Procedure.Start/60 does not seem to do it. It seems that I must do something first to the procedure start and end times to enable derivation of total procedure time - but I'm stuck. Any suggestions?