I packaged the web app that I had created into a war file with jar cvf <war_file_name>.war . command and placed the .war file in the webapps directory.
I backed up my web app and stored it in another location (different drive)
I have added a Context entry in the server.xml file for let scall it "MyApp".
When I stop and start Apache and navigate to the jsps or to te root directory it gives me the folowing error:
Apache Tomcat/4.0.1 - HTTP Status 404 - /Ter
type Status report
message /MyApp
description The requested resource (/MyApp) is not available.
Restoring all the application files back into their uncompressed form and restarting TomCat serves up the jsps and the objects just fine.
What could be the reason?
I backed up my web app and stored it in another location (different drive)
I have added a Context entry in the server.xml file for let scall it "MyApp".
When I stop and start Apache and navigate to the jsps or to te root directory it gives me the folowing error:
Apache Tomcat/4.0.1 - HTTP Status 404 - /Ter
type Status report
message /MyApp
description The requested resource (/MyApp) is not available.
Restoring all the application files back into their uncompressed form and restarting TomCat serves up the jsps and the objects just fine.
What could be the reason?