I've made a web application that has a web form with a crystal report viewer in it. It works fine on the development machine but when I deploy it, I get an error executing child request error on the server. If I comment out the line where I set the reportsource of the crystal report viewer it works fine but with no report.
The web application is still in debug build if that makes any difference.
I've follow the guides for deploying a web application with crystal. I've added regwiz and set the serial number.
Thanks in advance.
I've made a web application that has a web form with a crystal report viewer in it. It works fine on the development machine but when I deploy it, I get an error executing child request error on the server. If I comment out the line where I set the reportsource of the crystal report viewer it works fine but with no report.
The web application is still in debug build if that makes any difference.
I've follow the guides for deploying a web application with crystal. I've added regwiz and set the serial number.
Thanks in advance.