I have a page with 6 dependant drop down boxes. I also have a text field with a copy to clipboard button.
What I need it to do is send the drop down selections to the text field to be copied along with some static text. The resulting text field would look something like this after the selections are made.
"Per Wizard: Choice 0: Selection 2, Choice 1: Selection 2, Choice 2: Selection 4 ..."
Can this be done on each line as a second onChange event?
What I need it to do is send the drop down selections to the text field to be copied along with some static text. The resulting text field would look something like this after the selections are made.
"Per Wizard: Choice 0: Selection 2, Choice 1: Selection 2, Choice 2: Selection 4 ..."
Can this be done on each line as a second onChange event?
<script type="text/javascript">
var arrItems1 = new Array();
var arrItemsGrp1 = new Array();
arrItems1[1] = "Selection 1";
arrItemsGrp1[1] = 1;
arrItems1[2] = "Selection 2";
arrItemsGrp1[2] = 1;
arrItems1[3] = "Selection 3";
arrItemsGrp1[3] = 1;
var arrItems2 = new Array();
var arrItemsGrp2 = new Array();
arrItems2[12] = "Selection 1";
arrItemsGrp2[12] = 1
arrItems2[13] = "Selection 2";
arrItemsGrp2[13] = 1
arrItems2[14] = "Selection 3";
arrItemsGrp2[14] = 1
arrItems2[15] = "Selection 4";
arrItemsGrp2[15] = 1
arrItems2[16] = "Selection 5";
arrItemsGrp2[16] = 1
arrItems2[17] = "Selection 6";
arrItemsGrp2[17] = 1
var arrItems3 = new Array();
var arrItemsGrp3 = new Array();
arrItems3[42] = "Selection 1";
arrItemsGrp3[42] = 12
arrItems3[43] = "Selection 2";
arrItemsGrp3[43] = 12
arrItems3[44] = "Selection 3";
arrItemsGrp3[44] = 12
var arrItems4 = new Array();
var arrItemsGrp4 = new Array();
arrItems4[133] = "Selection 1";
arrItemsGrp4[133] = 42
var arrItems5 = new Array();
var arrItemsGrp5 = new Array();
arrItems5[244] = "Selection 1";
arrItemsGrp5[244] = 133
arrItems5[245] = "Selection 2";
arrItemsGrp5[245] = 133
function selectChange(control,nu){
var frm=control.form;
var sel=frm['Choice'+nu];
var iary=window['arrItems'+nu];
var gary=window['arrItemsGrp'+nu];
var cnt=1;
while (frm['Choice'+cnt]){
if (cnt>=nu){
while (frm['Choice'+cnt].firstChild){
var myEle=document.createElement("option");
myEle.appendChild(document.createTextNode("[SELECT ONE]"));
for (var x = 0 ; x < iary.length ; x++ ) {
if ( gary[x]==control.value ) {
myEle = document.createElement("option");
// -->
<script language='Javascript'>
function doact(d)
var doc = eval("document.form."+d);
cp = doc.createTextRange();
function FP_popUpMsg(msg) {//v1.0
<form name=form>
<div align="center">
<table border="2" width="790" id="table1" bordercolor="#64367C">
<td width="778" align="left" colspan="2">
<td width="305" align="left">
<font size="2" face="MS Sans Serif"> Choice 1:<font size="2" face="MS Sans Serif">
<select id="Choice0" name="Choice0" onchange="selectChange(this, 1);">
<option value="0" selected>[SELECT]</option>
<option value="1">Selection 1</option>
<option value="2">Selection 2</option>
<option value="3">Selection 3</option>
<td width="225" align="center" onclick="FP_popUpMsg('More Info')">
<font face="MS Sans Serif" size="2" color="#FF0000">*</font><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="2" color="#0000FF">
Tell me more</u></font></td>
<td width="547" align="left">
<font size="2" face="MS Sans Serif"> Code 2:
<select id="secondChoice" name="Choice1" onchange="selectChange(this, 2); "></select></font></td>
<td width="225" align="center" rowspan="4">
<TEXTAREA name="text1" cols="25" rows="5">
Selections will populate here.
</TEXTAREA><input onclick="doact('text1')" type="button" value="Copy">
<td width="547" align="left">
<font size="2" face="MS Sans Serif"> Code 3:
<select id="thirdChoice" name="Choice2" onchange="selectChange(this, 3);"></select></font></td>
<td width="547" align="left">
<font size="2" face="MS Sans Serif"> Code 4:
<select id="fourthChoice" name="Choice3" onchange="selectChange(this, 4);"></select></font></td>
<td width="547" align="left">
<font face="MS Sans Serif" size="2"> Code 5: </font> <font size="3" face="Courier">
<select id="fifthChoice" name="Choice4" onchange="selectChange(this, 5);" size="1"></select></font></td>
<td width="547" align="left">
<p><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="2"> Answer: </font>
<font size="3" face="Courier">
<select id="sixthChoice" name="Choice5" onChange="alert('Reminder')" size="1"></select>
<td width="225" align="center">
<font size="2" face="MS Sans Serif">
<a target="_blank" href="reference.htm">Show the Full Spreadsheet</a></a></font></td>
<td width="778" align="left" colspan="2">