I've been asked for configure a strange but not, I think, impossible request to configure access to a folder to allow students to create new & change all files but not delete anything.
Most of the time I give Modify access. My thinking is that those who have access should be responsible enough not to delete things so have never had a need to use the Deny permission.
In theory it should be possible. I edit the existing permission for the group and click Deny next to 'Delete' leaving the existing Allow ticks for read/write/etc. But upon doing so the files disappear from view of the users. They can still access the folders but they files & subfolders have disappeared. I also noticed that it creates a new permissions entry for the group with only Deny for Delete ticked, all others aren't ticked.
Am I missing something? Although it's a bit of a pain and it would be simpler to leave it as Modify and restore backups if required, the user wants this and I think it should be possible.
Most of the time I give Modify access. My thinking is that those who have access should be responsible enough not to delete things so have never had a need to use the Deny permission.
In theory it should be possible. I edit the existing permission for the group and click Deny next to 'Delete' leaving the existing Allow ticks for read/write/etc. But upon doing so the files disappear from view of the users. They can still access the folders but they files & subfolders have disappeared. I also noticed that it creates a new permissions entry for the group with only Deny for Delete ticked, all others aren't ticked.
Am I missing something? Although it's a bit of a pain and it would be simpler to leave it as Modify and restore backups if required, the user wants this and I think it should be possible.