I have been using Delphi 7 for several years with no problem. When I swiched to Delphi XE2 I get compilers errors in previously working programs. Is there a solution to this compatability problem? Can I run XE2 to respond likr 7?
The first error was that a variable, “UnitName” was not valid. At this point there was an indication of two errors. I changed the variable name and that problem was resolved. Then I got an err or in the following procedure:
procedure TForm_EditVetOrMem.DBGrid1TitleClick(Column: TColumn);
const PreviousColumnIndex : integer = 1;
if DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet is TCustomADODataSet
with TCustomADODataSet(DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet) do
if (Pos(Column.Field.FieldName, Sort) = 1)
and (Pos(' DESC', Sort)= 0) then
Sort := Column.Field.FieldName + ' DESC'
Sort := Column.Field.FieldName + ' ASC';
There were 7 errors identified with the following error message:
[DCC Error] EditVetOrMem.pas(212): Ambiguous overload lall to Pos
System.pas(25029): Related method: function Pos(const string;const string); Integer;
System.pas(25133): Related method: function Pos(const Widestring;const Widestring); Integer;
[DCC Warning] EditVetOrMem.pas(212): Impplicit string cast with potential data loss from ‘string’ to ‘ShortString’;
This solved the problem but there is one more problem. My program consists of 19 seperate programs called from a Memu. In these programs there are several DBGrids. In the DBGrids there is a border but no vertical or horizontal lines. How can I fix this problem?
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