What are the benefits of borland delphi versus borland c++.
Major differences ect. I am not familiar with delphi and was considering learning it. Any insights?
I agree with lastcyborg and as i understand it the graphic work in Delphi and C Builder is exactly the same.
I started with Pascal and swore by it for a long period but after having tasted C i realized very quickly that it was the thing for me. So i have tried both and liked C better but that goes for me. Later in life i realized that nearly all Build-In systems are programmed in C and for lower level access i find C better than Pascal.
I agree that C++ is, somehow, superior, but bear in mind that Delphi is Borland'a tool of choice, so C++Builder will always be one or two steps behind (just look at all those nice things in Delphi7... C++Builder7 anytime soon? Hardly...)
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