Hello, I have been asked to look into an issue of swapping a paradox database out of a delphi app and looking into which other databases could be used, its mainly due to an issue of concureny.
Currently the application is using the BDE which comes with delphi 5,
The version of the paradox driver is V4.0.
I have been looking around to find alternative databases that could be used but I am really struggeling to find any information, and as a starting .Net developer this technology is before my time.
Does anyone have any suggestions where I should start looking?
What drivers/databases are compatible with delphi
Any help would be greatly appriciated
Currently the application is using the BDE which comes with delphi 5,
The version of the paradox driver is V4.0.
I have been looking around to find alternative databases that could be used but I am really struggeling to find any information, and as a starting .Net developer this technology is before my time.
Does anyone have any suggestions where I should start looking?
What drivers/databases are compatible with delphi
Any help would be greatly appriciated