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Delphi Translations to C++

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Sep 8, 2003
Hi All!
I don't know if this thread is the most suitable for this post, if not I apologise in advance!

I'm translating some stuff from delphi and I have this peace of code

type FiltProc = function(V: Single): Single of object;

and later inside a class I have this declaration:

Fil: FiltProc ;

How can I translate this to C++?

Another quick thingy:
I have a record which i translated it to:
typedef struct TTC
float Re, Im;
} TC;

but then I have constant declaration for this record which I can't translate it to C++. How is it made?

(in delphi)
BP: Array[0..29] of TC = (
(Re:-1.00000000000e+00; Im:0.00000000000e+00), (Re:-1.10160133059e+00; Im:6.36009824757e-01),
(Re:-1.32267579991e+00; Im:0.00000000000e+00), (Re:-1.04740916101e+00; Im:9.99264436281e-01), ..... );

Thanks in advance!
All the Best
You're probably better off in the C++ forums, as that's your target language. Also Delphi is pretty readable so the C++ guys should be able to understand the code!

Clive [infinity]
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Paul Ehrlich
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