I'm fairly new to Delphi. I've been working on it for about 3 months now. I now need to create an MSI for a project. When creating an MSI for a delphi project, how does one know what the dependencies are?
Usually there are no dependencies unless you call something that is not part of the standard Windows subsystem.
As for dependencies, if you make your own DLL, or use BDE or similar tools, then you would have concern. But you would also want to package any accompanying data files as well.
The question is overly broad, so that's all I can really tell you. But hope it's a start.
So I gather from what you are saying that I wouldn't have to include dll's in the same way as say a VB project.
I notice that in my project I use MSXML3.dll. If I rename this dll and run my project it creates it. Would I be right in saying that all the neccessary dll's are self-contained in my delphi application.
Not really. There are no specific DLLs or other things that must be included as part of a regular Delphi app. As far as MSXML3.DLL, it may just be copying it.
Regardless, the only things that are dependencies are the ones that you introduce into the program (BDE was given as an example).
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