I have been experimenting a lot with some glassy images, such as the one below, and I got to thinking there's gotta be a way I can put this into code, so I can color it anything I want. It doesn't need to look 100% precisely like the image below, but I'd like to write some code to draw the oval and the glass effect (gradient with some really fancy calculations). I must note clearly that I am horrible with math, and I know this requires some tricky formulas. The whole goal is to eliminate the original image and do all the drawing by code.
Sample of what I want it to look like:
The border of the oval is the easy part, the gradient that goes inside the oval from top to bottom is also fairly easy - but when it comes to making the edges fade to make that glassy look along the top and sides - I have no clue how to go about doing this.
Original left edge image:
Whether someone can point me to a good tutorial for this, or if someone wants to demonstrate it, either would be really appreciated.
Here's the procedure I use to draw so far:
JD Solutions
Sample of what I want it to look like:

The border of the oval is the easy part, the gradient that goes inside the oval from top to bottom is also fairly easy - but when it comes to making the edges fade to make that glassy look along the top and sides - I have no clue how to go about doing this.
Original left edge image:

Whether someone can point me to a good tutorial for this, or if someone wants to demonstrate it, either would be really appreciated.
Here's the procedure I use to draw so far:
//B = Bitmap to draw to
//Col = Color to draw glass image
procedure TForm1.DrawOval(const Col: TColor; var B: TBitmap);
C: TCanvas; //Main canvas for drawing easily
R: TRect; //Base rect
R2: TRect; //Working rect
X: Integer; //Main top/bottom gradient loop
CR, CG, CB: Byte; //Base RGB color values
TR, TG, TB: Byte; //Working RGB color values
if assigned(B) then begin
if B <> nil then begin
C:= B.Canvas;
R:= C.ClipRect;
C.Pen.Style:= psClear;
C.Brush.Style:= bsSolid;
C.Brush.Color:= B.TransparentColor;
C.Pen.Style:= psSolid;
C.Pen.Color:= clBlack;
C.Pen.Width:= 5;
C.Brush.Color:= clBlack;
R2:= R;
for X:= 1 to 6 do begin
R2.Bottom:= R2.Bottom - 1;
C.RoundRect(R2.Left, R2.Top, R2.Right, R2.Bottom,
Round(R2.Bottom / 1.5), Round(R2.Bottom / 1.5));
R2.Left:= R2.Left + 1;
R2.Right:= R2.Right - 1;
C.Brush.Color:= Col;
C.Pen.Width:= 3;
C.RoundRect(R2.Left, R2.Top, R2.Right, R2.Bottom,
Round(R2.Bottom / 1.5), Round(R2.Bottom / 1.5));
C.Brush.Style:= bsSolid;
C.Pen.Style:= psClear;
R2:= R;
R2.Left:= R2.Left + 13;
R2.Right:= R2.Right - 13;
R2.Top:= 3;
R2.Bottom:= (R2.Bottom div 2) - 18;
CR:= GetRValue(Col);
CG:= GetGValue(Col);
CB:= GetBValue(Col);
for X:= 1 to 16 do begin
TR:= EnsureRange(CR + (X * 4)+25, 0, 255);
TG:= EnsureRange(CG + (X * 4)+25, 0, 255);
TB:= EnsureRange(CB + (X * 4)+25, 0, 255);
C.Brush.Color:= RGB(TR, TG, TB);
C.RoundRect(R2.Left, R2.Top, R2.Right, R2.Bottom,
Round(R2.Bottom / 1.5), Round(R2.Bottom / 1.5));
R2.Left:= R2.Left + 2;
R2.Right:= R2.Right - 2;
R2.Bottom:= R2.Bottom - 1;
JD Solutions