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Delphi 7, JVCL installation

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Dec 26, 2006
I am attempting to install the JVCL library on a Laptop that i just installed Delphi 7 on. I installed the JCL library first as in the instructions but then when i install the JVCL, the installation itself goes fine, it's when i attempt to run Delphi 7 after that i start getting the issues.

First i get Access Violation in module 'dclstd70.bpl'
then registration procedure, stdreg.register in package dclstd70.bpl raised exception class exception: invalid action registration.
Then Can't load package JvCoreD7D.bpl, registration procedure...
Then Can't load package JvCryptD7D.bpl, registration procedure...

then registration procedure, vcldbreg.register in package dcldb70.bpl raised exception class exception: invalid action registration.
Then Can't load package JvBDED7D.bpl, registration procedure...
Then Can't load package JvCtrlsD7D.bpl, registration procedure...
then registration procedure, jvdbreg.register in package JvDBD7D.bpl raised exception class exception: invalid action registration.
then registration procedure, Jvdlgsreg.register in package JvDlgsD7d.bpl raised exception class exception: invalid action registration.

Anyone have any ideas?

Tom Cusick
I have the jvcl installed in D7 on my laptop. It's installed and runs perfectly. I may be able to assist but it has been a while. I had already installed prior versions on other desktops before, so I knew in advance it could be quirky if not done correctly. By correctly, I mean read all instructions, and use the included install programs as instructed. Manually installing the DPKs is NOT going to work!!! (Unless you do exactly what the install program does for you manually and end up with a perfect config file when done - not likely)

I first extracted JVCL320CompleteJCL197-Build2172.zip to "..\Delphi7\Source\" which result in
"..\Delphi7\Source\jcl\" and "..\Delphi7\Source\jvcl\"

As I remember, I then launched "..\Delphi7\Source\jvcl\install.bat"

The batch builds the install exe program, then launches it. There are some options and instructions in the resulting "..\Delphi7\Source\jvcl\bin\JVCLInstall.exe" which installs all the DPKs for you.
NOTE: Delphi IDE can not be running.

If you get that far, all works!

If you did not see that step during your install, then I suggest a roll-back, because you probably have mess to clean up.

Also, have a look at file "..\Delphi7\Source\jcl\bin\Delphi 7.log" (your location may be different) Mine is 21,615 bytes in size. Here are the first 140 lines of over 500 lines from mine:
Delphi 7 Build ===================

Added "C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\lib\d7;C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\source" to library path.

Added "C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\source\common;C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\source\windows;C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\source\vcl;C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\source\visclx;" to library browsing path.

Added "C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\lib\d7\debug" to Debug DCU Path.

Making common library units for Delphi 7

Compiling .dcu files...
C:\Delphi7\bin\dcc32.exe Jcl8087 JclAbstractContainers JclAlgorithms JclAnsiStrings JclArrayLists JclArraySets JclBase JclBinaryTrees JclBorlandTools JclComplex JclCompression JclContainerIntf JclCounter JclDateTime JclEDI JclEDISEF JclEDITranslators JclEDIXML JclEDI_ANSIX12 JclEDI_ANSIX12_Ext JclEDI_UNEDIFACT JclEDI_UNEDIFACT_Ext JclExprEval JclFileUtils JclHashMaps JclHashSets JclIniFiles JclLinkedLists JclLogic JclMath JclMIDI JclMime JclPCRE JclQueues JclResources JclRTTI JclSchedule JclStacks JclStatistics JclStrHashMap JclStrings JclSysInfo JclSysUtils JclUnitConv JclUnitVersioning JclUnitVersioningProviders JclValidation JclVectors JclWideStrings pcre
Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
261443 lines, 2.30 seconds, 787 bytes code, 68 bytes data.

Making windows library units for Delphi 7

Compiling .dcu files...
C:\Delphi7\bin\dcc32.exe Hardlinks JclAppInst JclCIL JclCLR JclCOM JclConsole JclDebug JclDotNet JclHookExcept JclLANMan JclLocales JclMapi JclMetadata JclMiscel JclMsdosSys JclMultimedia JclNTFS JclPeImage JclRegistry JclSecurity JclShell JclStructStorage JclSvcCtrl JclSynch JclTask JclTD32 JclUnicode JclWideFormat JclWin32 JclWinMIDI mscoree_TLB mscorlib_TLB MSTask Snmp zlibh
Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
188937 lines, 2.22 seconds, 47501 bytes code, 16736 bytes data.

Making vcl library units for Delphi 7

Compiling .dcu files...
C:\Delphi7\bin\dcc32.exe JclGraphics JclGraphUtils JclPrint
Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
17973 lines, 0.31 seconds, 8476 bytes code, 8 bytes data.

Making visclx library units for Delphi 7

Compiling .dcu files...
C:\Delphi7\bin\dcc32.exe JclQGraphics JclQGraphUtils
Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
10941 lines, 1.03 seconds, 11205 bytes code, 52 bytes data.

Making common library debug units for Delphi 7

Compiling .dcu files...
C:\Delphi7\bin\dcc32.exe Jcl8087 JclAbstractContainers JclAlgorithms JclAnsiStrings JclArrayLists JclArraySets JclBase JclBinaryTrees JclBorlandTools JclComplex JclCompression JclContainerIntf JclCounter JclDateTime JclEDI JclEDISEF JclEDITranslators JclEDIXML JclEDI_ANSIX12 JclEDI_ANSIX12_Ext JclEDI_UNEDIFACT JclEDI_UNEDIFACT_Ext JclExprEval JclFileUtils JclHashMaps JclHashSets JclIniFiles JclLinkedLists JclLogic JclMath JclMIDI JclMime JclPCRE JclQueues JclResources JclRTTI JclSchedule JclStacks JclStatistics JclStrHashMap JclStrings JclSysInfo JclSysUtils JclUnitConv JclUnitVersioning JclUnitVersioningProviders JclValidation JclVectors JclWideStrings pcre
Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
261443 lines, 1.39 seconds, 913 bytes code, 68 bytes data.

Making windows library debug units for Delphi 7

Compiling .dcu files...
C:\Delphi7\bin\dcc32.exe Hardlinks JclAppInst JclCIL JclCLR JclCOM JclConsole JclDebug JclDotNet JclHookExcept JclLANMan JclLocales JclMapi JclMetadata JclMiscel JclMsdosSys JclMultimedia JclNTFS JclPeImage JclRegistry JclSecurity JclShell JclStructStorage JclSvcCtrl JclSynch JclTask JclTD32 JclUnicode JclWideFormat JclWin32 JclWinMIDI mscoree_TLB mscorlib_TLB MSTask Snmp zlibh
Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
188937 lines, 1.42 seconds, 47637 bytes code, 16736 bytes data.

Making vcl library debug units for Delphi 7

Compiling .dcu files...
C:\Delphi7\bin\dcc32.exe JclGraphics JclGraphUtils JclPrint
Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
17973 lines, 0.28 seconds, 10515 bytes code, 8 bytes data.

Making visclx library debug units for Delphi 7

Compiling .dcu files...
C:\Delphi7\bin\dcc32.exe JclQGraphics JclQGraphUtils
Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
10941 lines, 0.20 seconds, 16476 bytes code, 52 bytes data.

Compiling package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\Jcl.dpk...
Compiling package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\Jcl.dpk
C:\Delphi7\bin\dcc32.exe C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\Jcl.dpk
Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
128 lines, 0.69 seconds, 795232 bytes code, 44413 bytes data.
Compilation success

Compiling package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclVClx.dpk...
Compiling package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclVClx.dpk
C:\Delphi7\bin\dcc32.exe C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclVClx.dpk
Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
51 lines, 0.86 seconds, 24972 bytes code, 585 bytes data.
Compilation success

Compiling package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclVcl.dpk...
Compiling package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclVcl.dpk
C:\Delphi7\bin\dcc32.exe C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclVcl.dpk
Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
53 lines, 0.20 seconds, 70120 bytes code, 897 bytes data.
Compilation success

Installing package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclBaseExpert.dpk...
Installing package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclBaseExpert.dpk
Compiling package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclBaseExpert.dpk
C:\Delphi7\bin\dcc32.exe C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclBaseExpert.dpk
Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
7986 lines, 0.80 seconds, 21912 bytes code, 317 bytes data.
Compilation success
Registering package C:\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl\JclBaseExpert70.bpl
Registration ok
Installation of package finished

Installing package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclDebugExpert.dpk...
Installing package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclDebugExpert.dpk
Compiling package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclDebugExpert.dpk
C:\Delphi7\bin\dcc32.exe C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclDebugExpert.dpk
Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
2557 lines, 0.23 seconds, 13292 bytes code, 193 bytes data.
Compilation success
Registering package C:\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl\JclDebugExpert70.bpl
Registration ok
Installation of package finished

Installing package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclProjectAnalysisExpert.dpk...
Installing package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclProjectAnalysisExpert.dpk
Compiling package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclProjectAnalysisExpert.dpk
C:\Delphi7\bin\dcc32.exe C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclProjectAnalysisExpert.dpk
Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
3875 lines, 0.34 seconds, 16244 bytes code, 213 bytes data.
Compilation success
Registering package C:\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl\JclProjectAnalysisExpert70.bpl
Registration ok
Installation of package finished

Installing package C:\Delphi7\Source\jcl\packages\d7\JclFavoriteFoldersExpert.dpk...

Remember to NOT use my steps as THE procedure. I did this over a year ago, and is the best I can remember. READ AND FOLLOW THE INCLUDED INSTRUCTIONS.

BTW: the JVCL is one of, if not the best and most complex install processes I've ever seen. The Jedi team deserves a lot of credit.


Delphi Rules!
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