I've got a weird error in delphi 2006.
When doing a compile, my program works as it should.
When doing a build, the order of when forms are closed is changed(datamodule before form instead of the other way aronud), so when my Form1 tries to stop timers on my DataModule1, I get access violations.
When doing a compile again, everything works fine.
On other programs I have similiar problems with differences in compile/build.
I have tried this on 3 different computers, giving the same results.
In Projects->Options->Forms the forms are autocreated in this order:
I have read about others having similiar problems here:
Does anyone know what is wrong with the delphi build? Does anyone know a solution to the problem?
When doing a compile, my program works as it should.
When doing a build, the order of when forms are closed is changed(datamodule before form instead of the other way aronud), so when my Form1 tries to stop timers on my DataModule1, I get access violations.
When doing a compile again, everything works fine.
On other programs I have similiar problems with differences in compile/build.
I have tried this on 3 different computers, giving the same results.
In Projects->Options->Forms the forms are autocreated in this order:
I have read about others having similiar problems here:
Does anyone know what is wrong with the delphi build? Does anyone know a solution to the problem?