I work in a school environment and the Dell Optiplex and Deminsion have taken the place of a lot of the Compaq Deskpros. When something goes wrong with the deskpros, normally it was the video card or network card. When something goes wrong with the Optiplexs and Deminisons. 9 times out of 10 it the hard drive can not be found, or the Floppy can not read. If I reinstall the OS on the Hard drive it works fine. Has anyone ever heard of of these problem with Dell optiplex and Deminsion hard or floppy drives. Is there anything I can do to prevent this or something that possibly triggers the failing hard drive or OS in the OPtiplexs and Demisions. And if it is a known problem with Dell hard or floppy drive is it restricted to certain models? Dell Optiplex GX150,250, GX260. Dell Dimision L_CXE