Just picked up a new Dell Power Edge 1900 and I can nto seem to get the driver for the onboard NIC. We are running 2003 Server and also have two other NIC's in the server that are working fine.
I went to Dell support and going by the service tag they show 18 different downloads, both Broadcom and Intel, but the main one of each does nto seem to work. I was hoping somone out there has a 1900 and can tell me what driver their onboard NIC is using.
Mark Morton, MCSA, MCP, SNA, CCA, CCE
I went to Dell support and going by the service tag they show 18 different downloads, both Broadcom and Intel, but the main one of each does nto seem to work. I was hoping somone out there has a 1900 and can tell me what driver their onboard NIC is using.
Mark Morton, MCSA, MCP, SNA, CCA, CCE