yesterday i shut down windows 2000, and watched as my monitor changed res and frequency until it became a rectangle half the size of the viewable screen, with no vertical sync. in other words, a white flickering square in the centre of my monitor.
i powered it off, crossed my fingers and turned it back on. now it has a single line down the centre of the monitor. the top half and the bottom half of the line do not refresh in sync, and are a different color to the rest of the screen.
its also wider in the middle of the screen than at the edges where it thins out. if i tap the monitor, vibrations cause an effect that looks not unlike a frayed wire to shake either side of the main line.
is it ruined? can it be fixed? am i going to have to spend more money? i dont know. please help me.
ps ive changed refresh rates and resolutions to try to fix the problem. no luck.
i powered it off, crossed my fingers and turned it back on. now it has a single line down the centre of the monitor. the top half and the bottom half of the line do not refresh in sync, and are a different color to the rest of the screen.
its also wider in the middle of the screen than at the edges where it thins out. if i tap the monitor, vibrations cause an effect that looks not unlike a frayed wire to shake either side of the main line.
is it ruined? can it be fixed? am i going to have to spend more money? i dont know. please help me.
ps ive changed refresh rates and resolutions to try to fix the problem. no luck.