A. We are running crystal 10 & CE 10 and I have unsuccessfully tried to send reports by email but nothing is working. Here is what I did;
1. I have Set up the default email (SMTP) destination on the Job Server(ours is; CE.reportjobserver)
2. I have also schedule - the destination on the object to deault Email(SMTP)and set the values as my email address as the user
However, when I run the report nothing is being delivered into my email and when I check the history, the report is still pending. Any thoughts/suggestions/ideas would be very much appreciated. Does the email work with any version of CE 10?
B. Can some also tell me how to schedule the report to run under a specific calender and how to dynamically change a schedule report dates to include fresh parameters on the new report?
C. Which is the best way to deliver reports with a very limited user license in a CE environment?
D. I have also switched on the thumb nail on the preview, but I am not getting any. Any idea why?
A. We are running crystal 10 & CE 10 and I have unsuccessfully tried to send reports by email but nothing is working. Here is what I did;
1. I have Set up the default email (SMTP) destination on the Job Server(ours is; CE.reportjobserver)
2. I have also schedule - the destination on the object to deault Email(SMTP)and set the values as my email address as the user
However, when I run the report nothing is being delivered into my email and when I check the history, the report is still pending. Any thoughts/suggestions/ideas would be very much appreciated. Does the email work with any version of CE 10?
B. Can some also tell me how to schedule the report to run under a specific calender and how to dynamically change a schedule report dates to include fresh parameters on the new report?
C. Which is the best way to deliver reports with a very limited user license in a CE environment?
D. I have also switched on the thumb nail on the preview, but I am not getting any. Any idea why?