you can count the chars and find the highest number of accurences. if it is a long file this will work very well.<br>
then assume that the highest number is the delimiter.<br>
it will not be that accurate for small files. but there is always a way to do what you are looking to do.<br>
if you do the search in ascii then you can find tab and other chars also.<br>
if you would like more info email me.<br>
<A HREF=""></A>
wallyw -<br>
You can do occurrance counting like trbrenke suggested, but you're likely to choose the wrong character (like, picking <space> instead of <tab>.<br>
I'm afraid this is a case of "You just gotta know".<br>
Chip H.<br>
Dim delimiter As String<br>
Dim sql_statement As String<br>
If delimiter = "<space>" Then delimiter = " "<br>
If delimiter = "<tab>" Then delimiter = vbTab<br>
Do While Not EOF(fnum)<br>
' Read a text line.<br>
Line Input # fnum, text_line<br>
Do While Len(text_line) > 0<br>
pos = InStr(text_line, delimiter)<br>
If pos = 0 Then<br>
' Add the rest of the line.<br>
sql_statement = sql_statement & _<br>
"'" & text_line & "', "<br>
text_line = ""<br>
sql_statement = sql_statement & _<br>
"'" & Left$(text_line, pos - 1) & _<br>
"', "<br>
text_line = Mid$(text_line, pos + Len(delimiter))<br>
End If<br>
End If<br>
' Remove the last comma.<br>
sql_statement = Left$(sql_statement, Len(sql_statement) - 2) &<br>
List1.AddItem sql_statement<br>
Close fnum<br>
it's a sample !<br>
Eric De Decker
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