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Deleting Url (Special) Links 1

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Aug 5, 2003
It has been a long, long time since I been to Tek-Tips -- the site is great, just a severe lack of time.

And I am stumped.

I want to delete links to the web sites that Microsoft automatically populates into the end users' favourites when installing Internet Explorer.

* My code works fine for deleting regular files.
* I believe I have the correct and proper names for these special files.
* I can cut and paste the value straight from the variable when running the VB code into a DOS prompt and the file is recognized and deleted.

The issue is that VBA does not seem to recognize that the special URL files exists...
If FSO.FileExists(URLlinkFile.url)

Specifically, I can delete MSN.com.url at the command line, but not within the VBA code.

Code Snipette...
' Variables correctly initialized above

strRoot = "\\ADserver\UserProfiles\"
strFavourites = "\Favorites"
strMicrosoftLinks = "MSN.com.url Radio Station Guide.url Free Hotmail.url " _
& "Windows Marketplace.url Windows Media.url"

' non relevent code in between

If FSO.GetSpecialFolder(strFolder) Then
     strTemp = strMicrosoftLinks
     intZ = Len(strTemp)
     intDeleted = 0
     Do While intZ
        'I have used underscore for delimination between files
        intY = InStr(1, strTemp, "_")
        If intY Then
             strFile = strQ & strFolder & "\" & Left(strTemp, intY - 1) & strQ
             strTemp = Mid(strTemp, intY + 1, intZ - intY)
             intZ = Len(strTemp)
             'End if string
             strFile = strQ & strFolder & "\" & strTemp & strQ
             strTemp = ""
             intZ = 0
        End If
     [b]If FSO.FileExists(strFile) Then[/b]

             ' Same results with either using FSO or command line

             ' Alternate command line approach
             'stCmd = "cmd /c del " & strFile
             'Call Shell(stCmd, 0)
             intDeleted = intDeleted + 1

             ' AND YES, I have also used FSO file extensions to
        End If
     strMsg = strProcessed & intDeleted
End If

' More code below

One more thing...
I can take out the FileExist and the FSO.DeleteFile or 'stCmd = "cmd /c del " & strFile works just fine.

Comments or suggestions?


What is the meaning of the following ?
If FSO.GetSpecialFolder(strFolder) Then

Anyway, the FileExists and DeleteFile methods don't like pathname surrounded by double-quotes ...

Hope This Helps, PH.
Thanks PHV -- good to hear from you again.

And what do you know -- it worked.

I can understand how ...
strFile = \\ADserver\UserProfiles\User1\Favorites\MSN.com.url
... would work.
and ...

But I was pleasantly surprized that ...
\\ADserver\UserProfiless\User1\Favorites\Radio Station Guide.url
... also worked.

I would not have expected that the spaces in the file name to have worked.

Thank you.
As an fyi,
was required to open the Favorites folder
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