There was a post recently where someone was unable to alter their <FONT FACE=monospace>inetd.conf</font> file. I've not been able to find the original post, so I'm posting this tip hoping that it's seen by the person who had the problem.<br><br>Anyway, just to prove that as you get older you don't lose it, but it does get harder to find, I had a flash of inspiration (or was it perspiration? probably both earlier and remembered the <FONT FACE=monospace>chattr</font> command.<br><br><FONT FACE=monospace>chattr</font> lets you set a filesystem level flag to mark a file as "immutable". ie, regardless of file permissions, you cannot alter the file. To set the immutable flag:<br><FONT FACE=monospace><br>chattr +i /etc/inetd.conf<br></font><br>And to remove it:<br><FONT FACE=monospace><br>chattr -i /etc/inetd.conf<br></font><br>I can't remember if <FONT FACE=monospace>chattr</font> is part of the base system, or if it's part of a secondary package (possibly exttools?), but as soon as I get a chance to check I'll post back here.<br><br>Hope this helps someone