I am having trouble creating a list of records that I can delete.
I have three tables that are set up (more or less)as follows:
LocationID ---> LocationID
LocationName StationID <-- StationID
Date StationDescription
No explicit relationships are defined for these tables.
I create a query that lists only the fields in the DETAIL table. I define the relationships within the query as indicated above.
I specify certain LocationNames and StationDescriptions, but do not show these fields in the result set.
The resulting recordset is not updateable. I don't understand why.
When I set the query to allow inconsistent updates, deleting a record from the DETAIL file, cascades the delete and also deletes the corresponding records from the LocationMaster and the StationMaster.
What am I failing to understand about this process? Why am I unable to correctly delete records from this table? Is there a smarter way to achieve this?
Thanks for your help.
I am having trouble creating a list of records that I can delete.
I have three tables that are set up (more or less)as follows:
LocationID ---> LocationID
LocationName StationID <-- StationID
Date StationDescription
No explicit relationships are defined for these tables.
I create a query that lists only the fields in the DETAIL table. I define the relationships within the query as indicated above.
I specify certain LocationNames and StationDescriptions, but do not show these fields in the result set.
The resulting recordset is not updateable. I don't understand why.
When I set the query to allow inconsistent updates, deleting a record from the DETAIL file, cascades the delete and also deletes the corresponding records from the LocationMaster and the StationMaster.
What am I failing to understand about this process? Why am I unable to correctly delete records from this table? Is there a smarter way to achieve this?
Thanks for your help.