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Deleting column if header contains certain text 2

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Technical User
Jan 30, 2003

In my spreadsheet I want to delete columns which have "pension" contained in any header cells.

[pre]Dim rng As Range
Dim cell As Range
Dim ContainWord As String

'What range do you want to search?
Set rng = Range("A1:HZ1")

'What phrase do you want to test for?
ContainWord = "Pension"

'Loop through each cell in range and test cell contents
For Each cell In rng.Cells
If cell.Find(ContainWord) Then ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Delete

Next cell[/pre]

This is what I have so far, but it's stopping at the If Cell.Find bit. I've used some sites to cobble together what I have but I've come to a dead end. Everything I've looked at is for deleting rows, not columns.

thank you for helping


‘Loop through each cell in range and test cell contents
  For Each cell In rng.Cells
    If cell.Find(ContainWord) Then [b]cell[/b].EntireColumn.Delete
  Next cell

However, your cell object reference at the moment of Delete, is TOTALLY DESTROYED.

When DELETING rows and columns, you ought to perform a For...Next in reverse to maintain your reference...
‘assuming that the first column is A and the heading are in row 1
For i = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count to 1 Step -1
    With Cells(1, i)
       If .Find(ContainWord) Then .EntireColumn.Delete
    End With


[glasses]Just traded in my OLD subtlety...
for a NUance![tongue]

I've replaced the quoted code with the one you gave me but I'm having an error message when running it.

Run time error '91' - Object variable or With block variable not set. The entire code is below and there is a With and End With matching statement.

Sorry if I'm being a dimwit, but I can't see what's wrong.

[pre]Sub NHE_Removecolumns()

Dim rng As Range
Dim cell As Range
Dim ContainWord As String

'What range do you want to search?
Set rng = Range("A1:HZ1")

'What phrase do you want to test for?
ContainWord = "Pension"

'assuming that the first column is A and the heading are in row 1
For i = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
With Cells(1, i)
If .Find(ContainWord) Then .EntireColumn.Delete
End With

End Sub[/pre]

thank you for helping

There is a problem with your FIND.

Here's a differnt approch
Sub NHE_Removecolumns()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim ContainWord As String

'What phrase do you want to test for?
    ContainWord = "Pension"

'assuming that the heading are in row 1
    With Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Rows(1))
        Set rng = .Find(ContainWord)
        If Not rng Is Nothing Then
                Set rng = .FindNext
                If rng Is Nothing Then Exit Do
        End If
    End With

End Sub


[glasses]Just traded in my OLD subtlety...
for a NUance![tongue]
Excellent - that's worked perfectly.

thank you

thank you for helping

This macro is a godsend - thank you so much.

However, I'm wondering if it's possible to remove several columns at once?

There is a line which asks for the word to delete -

[pre] ContainWord = "Pension"[/pre]

But what if I wanted to get rid of all columns with not only "pension" in the title but also "overtime"?

I've tried:

ContainWord = "Pension"
ContainWord = "Overtime"[/pre]

But that didn't remove anything. Is this something that can be done? I'm formatting a spreadsheet which goes from column A to column CS so it would be good to get rid of everything I don't need without checking each column.

thanks in advance!

thank you for helping

You may just do very [blue]slight modification[/blue] to Skip's code:

Option Explicit
Sub RemoveMultiColumns()
Dim strRem(4) As String
Dim i As Integer

strRem(0) = "Pension"
strRem(1) = "Overtime"
strRem(2) = "Sick"
strRem(3) = "Vacation"
strRem(4) = "GoofingOff"

For i = LBound(strRem) To UBound(strRem)
    Call NHE_Removecolumns(strRem(i))
Next i

End Sub
Sub NHE_Removecolumns([blue]ByRef strWord As String[/blue])
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim ContainWord As String
'What phrase do you want to test for?[/green]
    ContainWord = [blue]strWord[/blue]
'assuming that the heading are in row 1[/green]
    With Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Rows(1))
        Set rng = .Find(ContainWord)
        If Not rng Is Nothing Then
                Set rng = .FindNext
                If rng Is Nothing Then Exit Do
        End If
    End With
End Sub

---- Andy

There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
That's great, thank you

thank you for helping

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