I want to move my data present on one of the lun on DS6000 and them delete that Lun.
However i want to do that task with minimum implication on application itself.
Is it possible using DS6000 flashcopy ( also called volume copy)? so that i craate a flash relationship, and then make application live with target drive and then delete old base Lun?
please advice!
Here comes polani Once again!!!
P690 Certified Specailist
HACMP & AIX Certified Specailist
AIX & HACCMP Instructor
I want to move my data present on one of the lun on DS6000 and them delete that Lun.
However i want to do that task with minimum implication on application itself.
Is it possible using DS6000 flashcopy ( also called volume copy)? so that i craate a flash relationship, and then make application live with target drive and then delete old base Lun?
please advice!
Here comes polani Once again!!!
P690 Certified Specailist
HACMP & AIX Certified Specailist
AIX & HACCMP Instructor