Hi Guys,
I did a pretty dumb thing in that I had a multiple remote sessions open and was deleting SAV client from one of my servers but mistakingly deleted the SAV master servers client. When I resintalled the client it seems to be added to some default group and is not updating. I am not a symantec expert by any means and was wondering how to fix this. The console was not removed and still has all the groups but I am afraid now that none of the of the servers that were updating from the sav master will not update as the .GRC on all clients will have to change. Hope I am not talking nonsense but would much appreciate some advice on this before the sh1t hits the fan. Many thanks..
I did a pretty dumb thing in that I had a multiple remote sessions open and was deleting SAV client from one of my servers but mistakingly deleted the SAV master servers client. When I resintalled the client it seems to be added to some default group and is not updating. I am not a symantec expert by any means and was wondering how to fix this. The console was not removed and still has all the groups but I am afraid now that none of the of the servers that were updating from the sav master will not update as the .GRC on all clients will have to change. Hope I am not talking nonsense but would much appreciate some advice on this before the sh1t hits the fan. Many thanks..