dim dt, fso, odir, f
set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
if fso.folderexists(sdir) then
set odir=fso.getfolder(sdir)
for each f in odir.files
'"n" for minutes, "h" for hours etc
if (strcomp(fso.getextensionname(f.name),"trc",1)=0) and (datediff("n",f.datelastmodified,dt)>60) then
f.delete true 'forced
end if
set odir=nothing
wscript.echo "directory: " & sdir & " not found." & vbcrlf & "operation aborted."
end if
set fso=nothing
Thanks tsuji for the reply..
I have try this,
I schedule task the script using batchfile,
but the files still remains...
the trace files are with the name- "audittrace20100430123638_6552.trc"
can you please help me out becoz the files will created and the disk space is becoming low.
can u give example for deleting the doc files using the VB script..
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