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delete files but not all in a folder

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Technical User
May 3, 2004
I need help with some logic or more.

My code is suppose to delete files in a folder if they are older then 7 days and they are not a file listed in files_keep.txt.

I need it to read through the files_keep.txt file and insure its not in there before it deletes the file. I don't want to read through the files_keep.txt file each time its looking to delete a file. So i thought i would read it into an array and then test againt the array to see if the file is listed before deleting. But couldn't figure out the logic to get this done.


Path1 = "C:\jboss-3.2.5\server\all\log"
file_keep = "C:\temp\files_keep.txt"

Dim fso, oFolder, oFile, oSubFolder, file_to_keep

ret_time = 7 'retention time

Set fso = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set oFolder = fso.GetFolder(Path1)

Set f1=fso_OpenTextFile(file_keep,1 )
MyArray = Split(f1.ReadAll, vbNewLine)

For Each oFile In oFolder.files
If DateDiff("d", oFile.datelastmodified,Now) > ret_time Then

If oFile <> Marray(iocount) Then
WScript.Echo "About to delete " & oFile
oFile.Delete True
End if

End If
Wouldn't it easier to play with a Dictionary object ?

Hope This Helps, PH.
I could use a Dictionary object but still have a problem understanding the logic to whent to test for the file before deleting to insure it's not one of the ones listed in the files_keep.txt

I'm so confused.
problem understanding the logic to whent to test for the file
I'd use the Exists method.

Hope This Helps, PH.
Here is a thread in the VB 5 & 6 forum but you should be able to easily adapt the code.


For Each oFile In oFolder.files
       If DateDiff("d", oFile.datelastmodified,Now) > ret_time Then
       		matchCount = 0
       		For x = 0 To UBound(MyArray)
       			If LCase(oFile.Name) = LCase(myArray(x) Then
       				matchCount = 1
       			End If
       		If matchCount = 1 Then     
            	WScript.Echo "About to delete " & oFile
                oFile.Delete True
            	'File is marked for saving, do nothing
            End if    
    End If

I hope you find this post helpful.



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Thanks to everyone.

Marcdmac, your for loop is what i need to understand the logic, Thanks

I have attached my code that is working in production.

PHV and SWI, I didn't use Dictionary object as i don't know enough about it yet. But i am going to play with them and plan on using them in my updated code.

Path1 = "C:\jboss-3.2.5\server\all\log"
file_keep = "C:\cleanup\files_keep.txt"

Dim f1, ret_time, fso, oFolder, oFile, file_to_keep

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colSettings = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
For Each objComputer in colSettings

strComputer = lCase(objComputer.Name)
'WScript.Echo strComputer


Select Case strComputer
Case "applprod" ret_time = 120
Case "appldev" ret_time = 7
Case "appltest" ret_time = 30
Case Else
End select

Set fso = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set oFolder = fso.GetFolder(Path1)

Set f1=fso_OpenTextFile(file_keep,1 )
MyArray = Split(f1.ReadAll, vbNewLine)

For Each oFile In oFolder.files
If DateDiff("d", oFile.datelastmodified,Now) > ret_time Then
matchCount = 0
For x = 0 To UBound(MyArray)
If LCase(oFile.Name) = LCase(myArray(x)) Then
matchCount = 1
Exit For
End If

If matchCount = 0 Then
'WScript.Echo "About to delete " & oFile
update_log("File to delete ")
oFile.Delete True
'File is marked for saving, do nothing
'WScript.Echo "this file " & oFile & " is marked for keep"
End if
End If

Set oSubFolder = Nothing
Set oFolder = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing



Sub update_log(current_process)

If (fso.FileExists("c:\cleanup\log\cleanup.log")) Then
Set outputfile = fso_OpenTextFile("c:\cleanup\log\cleanup.log",8)
'MsgBox "output file exists"
Set outputfile = fso_OpenTextFile("c:\cleanup\log\cleanup.log",2,True)
End If

' outputfile.WriteLine "File Name: " & objFile.FileName & "." & objFile.Extension

outputfile.WriteLine current_process & " " & oFile.Name & " " & Date & " " & Time

End Sub


If your array of files to compare against is large I would definitely look into the dictionary object because it will be much more efficient.

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