There is a file I need to delete every time a certain html page is unloaded (either by closing the window or moving onto another html page). I saw that VBScript has a way to delete a file and if I put it in a function like this:
function deleteHTML()
dim filesys
set filesys = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
end function
then can I call it in the BODY statement using
<<BODY ........ onunload="deleteHTML()"> ???
Is onunload the right thing to use? If someone has done something like this or knows how to do it, please let me know
There is a file I need to delete every time a certain html page is unloaded (either by closing the window or moving onto another html page). I saw that VBScript has a way to delete a file and if I put it in a function like this:
function deleteHTML()
dim filesys
set filesys = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
end function
then can I call it in the BODY statement using
<<BODY ........ onunload="deleteHTML()"> ???
Is onunload the right thing to use? If someone has done something like this or knows how to do it, please let me know