I am trying to delete a user from a database.
I am using SQL Server 2005
The user I am trying to delete was the user we used when created the database. Aside of being the owner on the database this database user is no longer needed. I want to change ownership of the database to another user and delete the old db_Owner.
[oldlogin] - the user I want to delete
[goodlogin] - the login I want as DB Owner
I can not tell why it won't let me make any changes to the [oldlogin]
In Management Studio--> Security --> User Maping
I try to uncheck the map box on the database where I want to removed [oldlogin] and I get "Cannot drop the user 'dbo'
I updated [goodlogin] to be db_owner on the database.
When I look at [goodlogin] in SQL Server Security they are listed db_owner but under 'User' it says 'dbo' instead of their login name?
I can not update this to be anything but 'dbo'.
When I try to update [oldlogin] in SQL Server Security -- user maping -- Database role membership for database, and uncheck db_owner I get error "Can not use the speical principle 'dbo'."
When I look at [goodlogin] under the Database Security I do not see it. When I try to add it it says "The login already has an account under a different user name"
Any help is greatly appreciated to fix this database ownership problem.
I am using SQL Server 2005
The user I am trying to delete was the user we used when created the database. Aside of being the owner on the database this database user is no longer needed. I want to change ownership of the database to another user and delete the old db_Owner.
[oldlogin] - the user I want to delete
[goodlogin] - the login I want as DB Owner
I can not tell why it won't let me make any changes to the [oldlogin]
In Management Studio--> Security --> User Maping
I try to uncheck the map box on the database where I want to removed [oldlogin] and I get "Cannot drop the user 'dbo'
I updated [goodlogin] to be db_owner on the database.
When I look at [goodlogin] in SQL Server Security they are listed db_owner but under 'User' it says 'dbo' instead of their login name?
I can not update this to be anything but 'dbo'.
When I try to update [oldlogin] in SQL Server Security -- user maping -- Database role membership for database, and uncheck db_owner I get error "Can not use the speical principle 'dbo'."
When I look at [goodlogin] under the Database Security I do not see it. When I try to add it it says "The login already has an account under a different user name"
Any help is greatly appreciated to fix this database ownership problem.