I'm trying to write a vbscript which deletes all users from a specific Active directory OU, and all his data.
Here's the info:
Profiledata location: \\server\profile$\accountname
Userdata location: \\server\userdata$\accountname
domainname: rcm.ac.uk
All the users to be deleted are in one specific sub OU (the location of OU: rcm.ac.uk > people > staff leavers > definite staff leavers).
I want the script to delete all the users in this "definite staff leavers" OU,
and also to delete each of the corresponding user's profile and userdata from the location above.
The user's profile and userdata is given the same name as the "user logon name" field in AD (in the "account" tab in the properties of the user in AD).
Is it possible to create a "lookup" so that it deletes the user profile and userdata first before deleting the account from AD?
I'm just an admin and not a programmer so I'm unsure how to do this. Please can someone help
Many thanks
I'm trying to write a vbscript which deletes all users from a specific Active directory OU, and all his data.
Here's the info:
Profiledata location: \\server\profile$\accountname
Userdata location: \\server\userdata$\accountname
domainname: rcm.ac.uk
All the users to be deleted are in one specific sub OU (the location of OU: rcm.ac.uk > people > staff leavers > definite staff leavers).
I want the script to delete all the users in this "definite staff leavers" OU,
and also to delete each of the corresponding user's profile and userdata from the location above.
The user's profile and userdata is given the same name as the "user logon name" field in AD (in the "account" tab in the properties of the user in AD).
Is it possible to create a "lookup" so that it deletes the user profile and userdata first before deleting the account from AD?
I'm just an admin and not a programmer so I'm unsure how to do this. Please can someone help
Many thanks