My program is written in VB6. I set up an array for batch customers. When a receipts rep attaches payments customers are added to the batch customer array.
What I am having problems with is if the user decides they want to unattach a payment("delete" the customer from the array)
I want to say is:
delete udtBatchCustomer(strDeleteThisCustomer)
strDeleteThisCustomer = index in array to delete
Any Suggestions are greatly needed and appreciated
thanks-Jenn [sig][/sig]
What I am having problems with is if the user decides they want to unattach a payment("delete" the customer from the array)
I want to say is:
delete udtBatchCustomer(strDeleteThisCustomer)
strDeleteThisCustomer = index in array to delete
Any Suggestions are greatly needed and appreciated
thanks-Jenn [sig][/sig]