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delayed write failed over network

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Technical User
Nov 10, 2002
i have a wlan network with three xp computers, if i "pull" files from one computer to another there is no problem, if i push files larger than about 8.000k i get the "windows delayed write failed" message and in event viewer event id 50: "{Delayed Write Failed} Windows was unable to save all the data for the file \Device\LanmanRedirector. The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file elsewhere." in my wired network it is identical, i found a solution for win2k but not for xp,
please help me
Forgive my SWAG (scientific wild a__ guess) but could this be the result of disc caching by the hard drives?

The size just happens to fall into the realm of the largest cache drives out there...which got me wondering. Seems a shame to turn if off, if they're capable, but it just might be where it's coming from.
Here are some articles related to this problem. Hope this helps you. I had this same exact problem in my network environment. Users connecting to an NT server were encountering this "Write delayed failed" message. The problem ended up being a faulty NIC on the server. Once the NIC was replaced we have had no problems. Not sure if this would be your problem but thought I would pass it on.

Good luck.

the disabling of the hard drive cache doesn't help,
i do think it is a hardware nic problem, because if i push files to a win2k os there is no problem,
hence it must be a xp bug: pushing files larger than 8200k to a xp os over a network either wireless of by wire leads to the "delayed write failed" message, please help, desperation is lurking around the corner
If there is a NIC problem, it will be on the receiver end, not the one you are pushing FROM.
Swap the NIC's to test.
i did, the problem occurs both with a wired and a wireless nic on the receiving end, most likely, it has to do with their settings under xp, what can i experiment with, thank in avance for any response
i made a mistake in my first annonuncement: problems start at a file size of 8k and when pushing towards a machine with xp irrespective of the nic used,
any idea welcome
Just to check something, try some long pings.
From a cmd prompt:

ping -t -n 2000 -l 60000 x.x.x.x

Where x.x.x.x is the other's IP

Do this on both PC's simultaniously towards eachother.
Let it run for a minute or so and press Ctrl-C .
Check if there is any loss. The solution is out there. [morning]
thank fot the tip ,
i get a 3% loss on both ends and response times which very considerably:
min 32ms and max 1651ms
and min 322ms and max 1400,
marcs41, what do you conclude from this
Those are large times for a LAN.
Is that the loss on wireless or also on fix cabling?
Make sure when you test to disable the other one!
And as, a side remark, check your default gateway and subnet (

There is a delay problem somewhere, that's fore sure, the question is, what exactly is causing it.
I know it has been mentioned before but consider these steps for verification.


The solution is out there. [morning]
thanks for more tips,
the results for my fix cable:
i get a 0% loss on both ends and the following response rates:
min 13ms, av 14ms and max 16ms
and min 13ms, av 13ms and max 25ms,
but this is a 100mbps direct twisted utp connection,
with this cable connection however the problem remains the same: if i push files of >8.2k i get a delayed write failed message after about one minute,
diabling QoS, network authenticitation, disk caching (Q330174) and lower transmit speed (10mbps half duplex) does not help,
the page heap suggestion (Q286470) is a bit too complicated for me,
pushing files to win2k is no problem, it must be an xp problem
do you have any other ideas
Sorry, long post, I got intriged with this one !

I think I have to come back to the caches issue already mentioned before.

When you perform any file management activity on Windows XP, you receive a Delayed Write Failed error messages.

If any of the following conditions exist, you might encounter the error:

- The Enable write caching on the disk feature for your disk is turned on.
- The Ultra Direct Memory Access (UDMA) hard disk controller is using a 40-wire connection.
- The BIOS settings are configured to force faster UDMA modes.

To resolve this issue:

- Make sure you are using a 80-wire, 40-pin cable.
- Turn off the the force faster UDMA modes setting in your computer's BIOS.

If the above fails to correct the problem:

- Turn off Enable write caching on the disk:

1. Use My Computer or Windows Explorer to right-click your disk and press Properties.
2. Select the Hardware tab.
3. Select the disk and press the Properties button.
4. Select the Policies tab.
5. Clear the Enable write caching on the disk check box.
6. Press OK and OK.
7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each disk.

Kinda repeats
And this is similar in 2000 and XP:

Another post I found somewhere:
The IDE card that the disk was plugged into had configured the device as a UDMA Mode 6 device but either the device or the cable wasn't capable of this speed. Switching the device to UDMA Mode 5 solved the delayed write failure message and my machine is now far more stable

See also thread779-396046

Yet another post somewhere:
By any chance a MAxtor or SCSI disk:
"delayed Write failure" on Maxtor 40gig ATA 133 drive

The "delayed write failed" error goes away when I turn off UDMA on the secondary channel. It seems you can't run 2 channels on UDMA with a VIA chipset, and my Epox 8KHM has a KT266A chipset

Enjoy the reading..

The solution is out there. [morning]
i admire your knowledge about this phenomenon,
i only receive the delayed write failed message when i transfer files over my network, both cable and wireless,
in two of my three computers i have two or more hard disks, i have no problem tranferring files from one hd to another,
only over the network, it may be a caching problem but a very specific network related one, what do you think,
ps the value mentioned in q721733 for win 2k is already ok in xp
I understand it is the network, the problem here is, the network pushes faster then the disk write, because of the cacheing and the write-behind. That is why MS and others recommend to disable the cache and lower other settings like UDMA.
Give it a try, it does not break anything, it is easily put back. The solution is out there. [morning]
i deactivated udma in bios,
settings read:
lba enabled
transfer mode fpio 4 & bus mastering
udma disabled (was 2),
i disabled write caching,
i still have an old cable,
i have an old ms al motherboard (1997),
problems remain the same,
often files are transferred ok although i get the fwd message at the computer i am sending the files from,
and it stays dead for at least 10 minutes, often i have to restart to reestablish a correct network connection,
i doubt for no intelligible reason whether it is a caching problem, can it be a security problem
I encountered the same issue on a Win2k SBS when I had a WinXP pro workstation connected. I tried all the previously mentioned fixes, but they did not work. The answer for me appeared to be a change to the registry, which I will get at the office and repost to this location. It appears to have resolved the Write Delay error and loss of data from the XP side to the Win2K side. The change actually occurred on the Win2k Registry.
the solution is simple:
activate the guest accounts!!!!!

again, this was the problem:
two xp pro computers in a peer-to-peer network,
users are indentical, ie, identical names and passwords,
uploading files gives "delayed write failed" message

why don't many people report this problem!!!!!

I would like to know what registry change you may have made. I have a member server that is having the same difficulty with XP Pro clients. Please let us know what you did.

I am having the same problems. I have user who is opening 3 large PST files, over a gig combined which reside on a 2k server. I would prefer to keep his PSTs on the server getting backed up every night, as losing them would be catastrophic.

The problem started with just one PST, the largest one, I was able to open the file fine on my laptop which is the same model as his only difference being more memory. I added more memory to his yesterday bringing him upto 512mb. This seemed to resolve the problem at the time. However he came over this morning and complained that he could not open his other two PSTs and was recieving the same error (Delayed Data Write).

I encountered this problem with another user a few months back, that time was connecting to a NT 4.0 server from XP machine and opening a 10MB excel file. None of the KB from MS articles suggestions worked. I swapped out NICs and memory on this PC with nothing working. I finally ended up swapping out the PC completly.

If anyone has any help to offer please do, I'm pulling my hair out over here.
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